Insufferable S.O.B.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?
That would be one of the worst offerings in the history of the world.
Well.....the venom being spued in the Batman/Bruce Wayne was just a lil too rich for my blood. But I will chime in on my take on the DX Joker. If it IS Nurse Joker.....its gonna need a very special angle to get people to buy it. Even die hard completest like myself would be less than willing to fork out for another purple suit of even a Nurse get-up. So, I would like to see NJ come with Fully functional hospital bed....I.V. pole.....Hospital gown for Harvy to wear....all the pre mentioned goodies that NJ holds in her (errr) his hands. If HT did this, it would drive fans into a frenzy to buy up all thoes Two Faces out there that never sold that well.
That would be one of the worst offerings in the history of the world.