Hot Toys : New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming

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Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Would you if they made one to fit your fat head? :huh

My head is not fat but I do have a rather large cranium. You are correct, sir, in thinking that the reason I cannot wear articles of clothing worn on the head is due to the size of my skull and not out of a lack of fashion sense.

Now STFU, chuckle head before I get Maglor to take care of my light work.
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Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

My head is not fat but I do have a rather larger cranium. You are correct, sir, in thinking that the reason I cannot wear articles of clothing worn on the head is due to the size of my skull.

Now STFU, chuckle head before I get Maglor to take care of my light work.

I don't think he wants to hold your peepee. :dunno
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I think it'll likely be a 2-in-1 with both the regular and BR Joker heads both PERS'd out and in enough time to close the book on Ledger for TDKR. HT doesn't go too overboard on re-releases.

WOW....that's it! That's your best shot? ZZZZzzzz LOL. Hell man at least my concept offered something people did NOT already have. Why-O-why would I buy this 2n1 when I already have both???? Because the eyes move? PASS. Look Nam, its cool if you don't dig my idea. That's what oipnions are for. You can either agree, or disagree. But atleast I thought out side the box.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

OK, let me take some of my own advice & try this again. What about ultra delux purple joker with rooted hair (still don't know how I feel about that), &.........drum roll please...........STOCKING CAP MASK THUG! You know, 2 figs like the Scare Crow Demon Bats. Only problem is......that suit would have to be freaking BOMB to justify a 2nd buy.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

WOW....that's it! That's your best shot? ZZZZzzzz LOL. Hell man at least my concept offered something people did NOT already have. Why-O-why would I buy this 2n1 when I already have both???? Because the eyes move? PASS. Look Nam, its cool if you don't dig my idea. That's what oipnions are for. You can either agree, or disagree. But atleast I thought out side the box.

Consider this, TOTAL.CONTROL: A HT figure that comes with a ripe banana to eat! That way you get both a figure and something to eat. How about a mash-up box, too: Terminator 2 BD T-800 figure boxed with Bruce Lee casual figure, that way they sell all the Bruce Lee figures while at the same time selling Terminator 2! It'd be a frenzy!

I got a million ideas like this, my friend. It seems like you and me alone were born with the ability to say 'add ___ and add ___.' We mustn't let this ability go to waste, I say, and also, most certaintly, we mustn't ever use it for evil. We could blow minds with this skill of ours.

How about this now, Batman figure with Superman cape and Superman figure with Batman cape? That way people will have to buy both to complete figure, it'd be a frenzy!

Why-O-why would I buy this 2n1 when I already have both????

On this point we deviate, my friend. I don't mean to destroy your opinion of yourself here, but it's possible, just possible, that Hot Toys are not trying to appeal to you personally... I understood this the hard way one day. I told people that I didn't want a certain figure and I told people what would have to be done in order to make me buy, and I thought everyone agreed with me and my thoughts even though no one said anything, and then the figure came out and people bought it! On that day I realised that although I was able to think outside the box with my speculations, what I wanted to buy was not actually what everyone else wanted to buy. I'd been talking like what I wanted was what everyone wanted (I was so confident!) but it turned out I was in fact wrong.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Consider this, TOTAL.CONTROL: A HT figure that comes with a ripe banana to eat! That way you get both a figure and something to eat. How about a mash-up box, too: Terminator 2 BD T-800 figure boxed with Bruce Lee casual figure, that way they sell all the Bruce Lee figures while at the same time selling Terminator 2! It'd be a frenzy!

I got a million ideas like this, my friend. It seems like you and me alone were born with the ability to say 'add ___ and add ___.' We mustn't let this ability go to waste, I say, and also, most certaintly, we mustn't ever use it for evil. We could blow minds with this skill of ours.

How about this now, Batman figure with Superman cape and Superman figure with Batman cape? That way people will have to buy both to complete figure, it'd be a frenzy!

On this point we deviate, my friend. I don't mean to destroy your opinion of yourself here, but it's possible, just possible, that Hot Toys are not trying to appeal to you personally... I understood this the hard way one day. I told people that I didn't want a certain figure and I told people what would have to be done in order to make me buy, and I thought everyone agreed with me and my thoughts even though no one said anything, and then the figure came out and people bought it! On that day I realised that although I was able to think outside the box with my speculations, what I wanted to buy was not actually what everyone else wanted to buy. I'd been talking like what I wanted was what everyone wanted (I was so confident!) but it turned out I was in fact wrong.

Hmmmm. Yes yes, I see your point. You were wrong then, just as you are wrong now by assuming my opinion was on behalf of every HT collector. Yes, I think I can see where you went astray my friend.

BUT, fret not! For my post speak only for myself when expressing an opinion. & that is quite the mash-up you have going on there LOL. I guess I'm just an "old stuffed shrit" with broing concepts that jell well together. Tell me........what color is the sky in your world? :1-1:
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

This thread has become very ridiculous. It feels like one of those moments when you get embarrassed for someone and cringe :lol
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

We have a saying here in the UK when people get angry and upset over something really trivial, it's called "throwing your toys out of your pram". This all seems really pathetic when the toy in question isn't even bloody available yet and only HT's know what it will look like.

Shall we just be patient kiddies...AND try to keep this thread for actual advance pics and release dates?

Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Well, if there is no speculation or discussion until we have actual pics and release dates, it kind of defeats the whole point of having this thread open until then, doesn't it?
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Its Joker. A Heath Ledger Joker. People will buy it. More ppl are into HTs now.its getting little more Mainstream. So I dont think they will have any problem selling it.

and Grosby if it comes with a Plantain ala Kramer I am in:D
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

What, the USS Ticonderoga is rather lengthy :lol

Nope. The computer industry has yet to make pixels small enough. :wink1:

WOW....that's it! That's your best shot? ZZZZzzzz LOL. Hell man at least my concept offered something people did NOT already have. Why-O-why would I buy this 2n1 when I already have both???? Because the eyes move? PASS. Look Nam, its cool if you don't dig my idea. That's what oipnions are for. You can either agree, or disagree. But atleast I thought out side the box.

OK, let me take some of my own advice & try this again. What about ultra delux purple joker with rooted hair (still don't know how I feel about that), &.........drum roll please...........STOCKING CAP MASK THUG! You know, 2 figs like the Scare Crow Demon Bats. Only problem is......that suit would have to be freaking BOMB to justify a 2nd buy.

Okay, so either your obstinate to the point of trolling, or just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally dumb. Did you by chance miss the new Batman they just released? HT has zero interest in catering to one fanboy's eccentric tighty whitey squirt of an idea. Instead they'll cater to the masses who are still driving up the secondary value of the regular Jokers. It's not a matter of wishing to ride a unicorn over the rainbow to magically produced dream figures. It's about being practical and looking at what they've already released to show what's coming. Now while they'll throw in something better, maybe a new sculpt, maybe the nurse clothes, to appeal to collectors who've bought all the previous ones, at it's heart, it's a "2.0" which tells everybody else BUT you, that there was a 1.0 they're bettering.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Nope. The computer industry has yet to make pixels small enough. :wink1:

Okay, so either your obstinate to the point of trolling, or just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally dumb. Did you by chance miss the new Batman they just released? HT has zero interest in catering to one fanboy's eccentric tighty whitey squirt of an idea. Instead they'll cater to the masses who are still driving up the secondary value of the regular Jokers. It's not a matter of wishing to ride a unicorn over the rainbow to magically produced dream figures. It's about being practical and looking at what they've already released to show what's coming. Now while they'll throw in something better, maybe a new sculpt, maybe the nurse clothes, to appeal to collectors who've bought all the previous ones, at it's heart, it's a "2.0" which tells everybody else BUT you, that there was a 1.0 they're bettering.

Total = Tokyo

Nam = Godzilla

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