Hot Toys new Superman teaser... he's coming guys!

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Every party needs a pooper. Just let them poop, wipe, and flush. No need to go to the bathroom until the stink is gone.

Oxymoronic. Same could be said about you stating the figure's sub par when we haven't even seen "official" pics yet.

I didn't say the fig was sub-par. I just said that a custom head exists which has a better sculpt IMO, and I may consider using that one.

And me passing comment on the quality of a prototype product cannot be compared with you using descriptions of genitalia to try and discredit my opinion.
Every party needs a pooper. Just let them poop, wipe, and flush. No need to go to the bathroom until the stink is gone.


Well said!! I may have to use this quote for other threads. (I will give you the credit though. :lol)
I will buy it as is but i think there is a lot about that needs to be fixed... it's not like the Indy figure... i at least see Reeve in this sculpt but for me, The Eyes, the length of the nose and shape of the mouth make him look like he is not quite who he should be...

I normally don't care enough to do this but here is a quick manip i did of some adjustments:


Anyway, that's that.

Here you go

Sosa Head vs Hot Toys..


Both are great headsculpts.
frankly, Sosa's HS is better provided we can paint it like HT.
At the end, I will go for 2 sets of HT superman.
I think sometimes, HT tend to make their HS looked more beautiful or handsome or younger, such as Barney Ross, Tony Stark, John Connor, Bruce Lee DX04, as well this one. Just my opinion.
I love how on the Hot Toys Facebook wall that SSF is known for being _____y, nit picking _______s.

What a great reputation we have. :rolleyes2
Alright, this one will definatly be my figure of the year, no matter the accessories.
I searched for years for a decent figure of Superman and now I'll finally have it and honor Christopher Reeve with one slap.
Can't wait for the specs and I think he'll look excellent besides my TDK Batman and Spawn.
I will buy it as is but i think there is a lot about that needs to be fixed... it's not like the Indy figure... i at least see Reeve in this sculpt but for me, The Eyes, the length of the nose and shape of the mouth make him look like he is not quite who he should be...

I normally don't care enough to do this but here is a quick manip i did of some adjustments:


Anyway, that's that.

:yess: :panic: :panic:

It's interesting that the teaser shot had the correct blue for the suit, but these pictures have the standard WB/DC mandated dark blue. Perhaps that's why they haven't revealed yet, they're still trying to get permission to use the correct blue?

I think the issue with the blue is the fact that is a photo taken from a book/magazine. So as someone pointed out colors appear darker and more "off" within print and then to snap a shot over it is another layering. I have a feeling the first teaser with the correct blue suit coloring will be what Hot Toys shows off. I think the delay in the reveal is just HT having some fun, they know they've been bugged about this for a long time now, daily, hell even hourly and so they are drawing it out.
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