Hot Toys new Superman teaser... he's coming guys!

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People are already deeming this as not good enough and want customs?

What the hell? Are we seeing the same picture?

The eyes are fine.

This picture has shadowing all over them, and your example does not.
That's the only difference I can see


LOOK at that. "The eyes are off", how? I'm a nit picking son of a _____. Despite how impressed I am with some of my figures, there are a few that I think are "off". Notably the T-800 having a squashed look to the face despite being perfect.

This surprised the hell out of me after their Indiana Jones and I love what I'm seeing so far. I really don't see the problem, especially when you consider the low res, grainy, dark shadow pics. Hot Toys figures have a specific look and feel to them and this Christopher Reeve Superman head is no different. Why shouldn't it, it's MADE by Hot Toys.

If you go for that custom head you're not going to have the superior paint apps that this one will have, nor the skin texture, nor the great eyes. Plus, this is the first official 1/6 Reeve Superman, other than the Mattel version. It's basically event. You buy into a custom and this whole figure is in vain.

Not saying customs are bad, but they've been available for years. This thing is really special.

I see people wanting "adjustments" or tweaks, well for the first time with a figure, I want it AS is and we haven't even seen the official spec pics yet.
I'll leave you guys to it - i'll probably do what i normally do - get this and upgrade it with customs bits and pieces.

Why bother getting it at all then other than the crystal base and True Type body? Save your money and just wait for someone to "improve" the suit and inferior head.

If Hot Toys Joker is any indication then you won't be owning nearly 5% of anything Hot Toys gives us.
i gotta say, i've wanted an accurate christopher reeve superman figure since i was a kid. when hot toys finally announced they were making one, i was ecstatic. after a long time waiting, the pics are finally released and unfortunately i'm left disappointed. the accuracy is just not 100% there. something is definitely off with the eyes. while i can't say for sure if the rest of the face is spot on, the eyes are ruining the overall accuracy for me. also, i hope this is not the final color of the suit as it is way too dark. i'll wait for the official release pics from hot toys to further comment, but i doubt the sculpt will look any different.

also, given the proper professional paint job, i think erick sosa's sculpt would look better than hot toys.
Why bother getting it at all then other than the crystal base and True Type body? Save your money and just wait for someone to "improve" the suit and inferior head.

If Hot Toys Joker is any indication then you won't be owning nearly 5% of anything Hot Toys gives us.

Because it'll probably be cheaper for me to get the whole figure, and then offload any parts as I upgrade them. Plus that way if once I get the figure in hand i'm happy enough with him to not want to go through the extra effort, then i'll just leave him as is.

Superman is not nearly as important to me as Batman/Batman characters, so it's possible that I may be happy enough with him as is once I get him. We'll see
This surprised the hell out of me after their Indiana Jones and I love what I'm seeing so far. I really don't see the problem, especially when you consider the low res, grainy, dark shadow pics.

Not saying customs are bad, but they've been available for years. This thing is really special.

I see people wanting "adjustments" or tweaks, well for the first time with a figure, I want it AS is and we haven't even seen the official spec pics yet.

Hells yes. This is going to look AMAZING in the ToyHunter display pics. :drool

I'll take him as is. He looks magnificent.

Damn straight. :lecture
He looks evil. Maybe that why I dont feel 100% satisfied.
Look at his eyes. They are bigger.

Every pic that has been revealed so far has shadows in the crevices of the eyes, covering the top half portion. How do you know that the official pics will have "inaccurate eyes"?

I swear, one extreme to another. I'm no Hot Toys fan boy, farthest from it but this pisses me off. If they had given him PERS eyes people would have complained that it has wonky bug eyes, which is what some people seem to want (as good as Erik's custom head is, it HAS bug eyes). They can't win with some people.

From my experience, other than a few older figures like Bank Robber Joker, the final in hand figure is better than the prototype.

This will be magnificent.
It's interesting that the teaser shot had the correct blue for the suit, but these pictures have the standard WB/DC mandated dark blue. Perhaps that's why they haven't revealed yet, they're still trying to get permission to use the correct blue?

I was wondering the same thing. Since the teaser pic was officially released by Hot Toys and these others are from a book that has probably been published for a while now, I would hope the HT teaser is correct. Either way, I really like this figure.
I'll leave you guys to it - i'll probably do what i normally do - get this and change it with customs bits and pieces.


Seriously, I don't see any problems with this figure so far that needs corrected. This is the best looking Superman figure on the face of the planet that has ever been created for the character in his 70 years.

Haven't paid for anything. And probably won't be until I have the HT version in hand.

And no need to use derogatory language, learn some manners.

Oxymoronic. Same could be said about you stating the figure's sub par when we haven't even seen "official" pics yet.

Seriously, I don't see any problems with this figure so far that needs corrected. This is the best looking Superman figure on the face of the planet that has ever been created for the character in his 70 years.

I agree the figure is the best one of Superman we've ever seen. But for me half of the fun in collecting is cuztomizing and trying to improve everything I own.

Is that for everyone? No.

Is that crazy? Hell yes.

So to each his own
What we all need to understand is that we will never get a complete perfect Christopher Reeve head because his feature are so hard to pull off in sculpt. I'm happy with the Hottoys figure and it will be mine. I have a Moe's figure with Sosa head and I love it as well. I also have a Mattel Reeve and love that to. Each has a different take on Reeve but none are perfect but all are great for what they are and the work that was put into them.
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