Hot Toys new Superman teaser... he's coming guys!

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i don't get why some people feel the need to put others down if they are not 100% satisfied with this figure. some people here need to learn and accept that people may not share the same opinion as them. it stands to reason that people should be allowed to express their disappointment in this figure without being berated. now, i wasn't singled out by anyone but like i said in my first comment, i can't help but me disappointed with the face sculpt after waiting so many years for a proper reeve figure. while it is good, it could be much better.

I don't see a damn thing wrong with it Joe. I felt the same way when the HT Indy was shown.... I'm just glad that in this instance I'm happy with the results.
Honestly this is Hot Toys. If people don't see what they like, there is a good chance they'll be another figure that will give it another go soon enough. :lol



This figure is just hands down, a masterpiece !!! :monkey2
No disappointments whatsoever. Its even better than I anticipated.
Thank you Hot Toys!!!
Thought the old thread was an unending pain in the rear before I got here. I think the figure is fantastic and the sculpt quite daring to go for Reeve's intense stare rather than the familiar smirk.
Nice to see the manips twisting it up to look hideous rather than making a point. As for seeing Tom Cruise anywhere in that sculpt you're sat too far away from your monitor. And on drugs.
i don't get why some people feel the need to put others down if they are not 100% satisfied with this figure. some people here need to learn and accept that people may not share the same opinion as them. it stands to reason that people should be allowed to express their disappointment in this figure without being berated. now, i wasn't singled out by anyone but like i said in my first comment, i can't help but me disappointed with the face sculpt after waiting so many years for a proper reeve figure. while it is good, it could be much better.

Well said!

Glad some people maintain a respectful way of having different opinions.

Thought the old thread was an unending pain in the rear before I got here. I think the figure is fantastic and the sculpt quite daring to go for Reeve's intense stare rather than the familiar smirk.
Nice to see the manips twisting it up to look hideous rather than making a point. As for seeing Tom Cruise anywhere in that sculpt you're sat too far away from your monitor. And on drugs.

:lecture:rotfl:lecture:rotfl:lecture:rotfl:lecture :exactly::goodpost: :yess:
The only problem I have with it is the S Emblem. I mean it looks perfect but it is raised on the suit and Reeve S was much flatter on the chest.

Really a very small grip but one I have none the less
I will buy it as is but i think there is a lot about that needs to be fixed... it's not like the Indy figure... i at least see Reeve in this sculpt but for me, The Eyes, the length of the nose and shape of the mouth make him look like he is not quite who he should be...

I normally don't care enough to do this but here is a quick manip i did of some adjustments:


Anyway, that's that.


I like the one on the left.
Why did toyworld leak it? that steals Hot Toys thunder... it's like wanting to watch the DVD and people tell you the plot before you go to watch. I hate that.

Then I hope the next time Hot Toys doesn't give them any never seen before brochures.

To some degree it's ruined the build up for me. I just wanted to sit back and be blown away by official photos. Not dreamy watermarked pictures. It just feels dirty now and a ruined moment.
Thought the old thread was an unending pain in the rear before I got here. I think the figure is fantastic and the sculpt quite daring to go for Reeve's intense stare rather than the familiar smirk.
Nice to see the manips twisting it up to look hideous rather than making a point. As for seeing Tom Cruise anywhere in that sculpt you're sat too far away from your monitor. And on drugs.

I normally wouldn't care what folks say about the manip i did... but to say it's hideous and offer no real constructive criticism is completely unproductive.

Just say you love the figure as is and move on, if you don't agree with mine or any other manip to come that's totally fine... but at least say why.

I know what i did was far from horrible but it's not perfect either... And the sculpt does have a resemblance to Tom Cruise, if you don't see it maybe you might need to be tested for drugs. :pfft:

I normally wouldn't care what folks say about the manip i did... but to say it's hideous and offer no real constructive criticism is completely unproductive.

Just say you love the figure as is and move on, if you don't agree with mine or any other manip to come that's totally fine... but at least say why.

I know what i did was far from horrible but it's not perfect either... And the sculpt does have a resemblance to Tom Cruise, if you don't see it maybe you might need to be tested for drugs. :pfft:


Well I said it looked like he was on drugs. The eyes were too big, it was almost owl like. You know a bit like the Cinemaquette
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