Hot Toys new Superman teaser... he's coming guys!

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I think I am done talking about this figure, all the fun has been taken out of it, and we are just left the usual bullcrap.
I will wait till it's in hand.
Hmmmm...this looks great with the stand and all but that face isnt working for me. He looks a bit to fat faced or too much face muscle...maybe its the angle its photographed but this looks like Indiana Jones all over again. Usually when I see a Hot Toys product nowadays they have everything bang on but Indy and this has been a let down. They need to tweek this a bit and then it should be right.

Am not being bad but this custom looks like Chris Reeve more than the Hot Toys version...


Generic Indy and not so much generic Supes...will wait until official pics arrive, which I assume will be shortly because theres nothing to hide now Hot Toys lol !!!

this is a much better sculpt IMO.
Hot Toy's needs to steal YJ from Enterbay. I think he's the best thing going in the likeness department for any company. He seems to be able to get the tiniest of details on a face that make all the difference in the world.
I'd say Hot Toy's achilles is their ability to sculpt a nose that has character. They missed it on every Bale, they've missed it on every Depp, and they've missed it here with Reeve. This figure is a stunning representation of the character but you're kidding yourselves if you don't see the room for improvement in the likeness. I'll be getting it as is because it's finally a Chris Reeve Superman, but I'm not going to pretend it's the best they can do.

:lecture :goodpost:
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Hot Toy's needs to steal YJ from Enterbay. I think he's the best thing going in the likeness department for any company. He seems to be able to get the tiniest of details on a face that make all the difference in the world.

I have been saying that forever, YJ Park is the BEST at 1/6th no one comes even close.... at larger scales Bobby C, and Mike Hill cannot even be touched...

I'll get it but will be swapping the head with a Sosa, body with a Enterbay "Original" Action Body and Kato outfit.

I can't believe the sack monkeys are already throwing custom poop balls.


I'd say Hot Toy's achilles is their ability to sculpt a nose that has character. They missed it on every Bale, they've missed it on every Depp, and they've missed it here with Reeve. This figure is a stunning representation of the character but you're kidding yourselves if you don't see the room for improvement in the likeness. I'll be getting it as is because it's finally a Chris Reeve Superman, but I'm not going to pretend it's the best they can do.

As it looks right now I agree with you, on every count. BUT these pics kinda suck imo, wait for the high res shots first dude.

Having said that and from what I can see, it looks solid. I'm getting 2 forsure.

Good job HT's!
I'll agree the eyes look a bit off based on the side by side pics. The overall presentation is excellent IMO. I have no problem adding this bad boy to the collection.
don't know about you guys but i feel that the serious face hurts the presence of this figure, i know that his expression is better for different poses, but seeing him like that takes a lot of Chris Reeve charisma.............. still will like to see official pics though
I don't see a damn thing wrong with it Joe. I felt the same way when the HT Indy was shown.... I'm just glad that in this instance I'm happy with the results.

that's fine that you're happy with it, but it's just not right for me.
and i think the majority can agree that the indiana jones sculpt is heavily flawed.
Well, HT has done well by Christopher Reeves legacy imo.
A great sculpt by Mr.Kim !
Everything looks superb,(suit, body proportions) no problem ponying up the dough for this figure.
I might put the Reeves sculpt on the "Returns" suit because I kinda like it better.
Sacrilege I know but I likes what I likes.
Well, HT has done well by Christopher Reeves legacy imo.
A great sculpt by Mr.Kim !
Everything looks superb,(suit, body proportions) no problem ponying up the dough for this figure.
I might put the Reeves sculpt on the "Returns" suit because I kinda like it better. Sacrilege I know but I likes what I likes.

It would be interesting to see Chris face in the SR suit,
About the eyes:
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