Hot Toys new Superman teaser... he's coming guys!

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I was looking on Caped Wonder for a good pic of his serious face.


And going by this picture I have to say Hot Toys' is perfect

I just don't see it as being perfect... :dunno

I think some people just do not see things the same way, while me and number of folks will say "No Way!", You and a different handful will say "Hell Yeah!"

I still like the figure quite a bit and this likeness isn't stopping my interest... i just think it's still not quite right and only needs a few tweaks... and i think the more i see it, the more i think it's in the mouth area more than anywhere else.

Great job Hot Toys! This looks incredible! I might buy two of them, one to sell later on when its worth a grand on ebay:lol
Indeed, which is why I hope the official pics return the suit to its teaser shade of teal as well as showcasing what is sure to be an unparalelled set of accessories. Dino - the railtrack shot is a great example of the expression represented in the sculpt...
Hello friends.
To be as objective as possible, here are 2 vis-à-vis for comparison...



good pics. I insist there are some slight changes to make specially on the eyes and head shape.
Interesting, in that pic there is no black stand as with usual HT releases, multiple hands but what looks like Kryptonite as well.

I wonder if we'll get a CK and then a Christopher Reeve version of the 2 in 1.

Can you post it or post a link?
How "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner would put it:
That´s for all my freaks out there:


Not much, failed to get rid of the logos properly, but realligned the pics and put in the original logo and a new position.
Hope you guys like it...
good pics. I insist there are some slight changes to make specially on the eyes, forehead and mouth.
Hmmmm...this looks great with the stand and all but that face isnt working for me. He looks a bit to fat faced or too much face muscle...maybe its the angle its photographed but this looks like Indiana Jones all over again. Usually when I see a Hot Toys product nowadays they have everything bang on but Indy and this has been a let down. They need to tweek this a bit and then it should be right. I think Chris Reeve is a hard sculpt to pull off.

Am not being bad but this custom looks like Chris Reeve more than the Hot Toys version...


Generic Indy and not so much generic Supes...will wait until official pics arrive, which I assume will be shortly because theres nothing to hide now Hot Toys lol !!!
I'd say Hot Toy's achilles is their ability to sculpt a nose that has character. They missed it on every Bale, they've missed it on every Depp, and they've missed it here with Reeve. This figure is a stunning representation of the character but you're kidding yourselves if you don't see the room for improvement in the likeness. I'll be getting it as is because it's finally a Chris Reeve Superman, but I'm not going to pretend it's the best they can do.
I was looking on Caped Wonder for a good pic of his serious face.


And going by this picture I have to say Hot Toys' is perfect

Theirs is wider at the tip of the nose, it should be wider at the top of the bridge, tip should be more narrow.. not hat much.. like I said they are very close... but I have been looking at Mr. reeve's face for many years and I can tell you it could be better, I am not saying mine is correct at all, but HT is so very close...
I think it's an excellent sculpt. Honestly, I think it's right up there with the DX Joker, Mark IV Iron Man, and the T-800 as one of Hot Toys best sculpts. It's hard to believe that the guy who sculpted this is the same guy who sculpted that awful Indiana Jones.
It doesn't look like it's a DX, which sucks. But it still looks great. Hopefully I'll be able to get one, but right now Captain America is my main priority.
Hmmmm...this looks great with the stand and all but that face isnt working for me...the eyes look bunched up with the eyebrows too much....maybe its the angle its photographed but this looks like Indiana Jones all over again. Usually when I see a Hot Toys product nowadays they have everything bang on but Indy and this has been a let down.

Am not being bad but this custom looks like Chris Reeve more than the Hot Toys version...


Generic Indy and not so much generic Supes...will wait until official pics arrive, which I assume will be shortly because theres nothing to hide now Hot Toys lol !!!

I feel the same way i know that everything hasnt have to be perfct but when you see DX J. Sparrow it makes you wonder ill wait for official pics to judge but by now i think the face is not great as it supposed to be, maybe Kojun would have done a better job or even Yuli, Arnie= overrated , Erick Sosa sculpt with a pro paint is better........:thud:
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