Hot Toys new Superman teaser... he's coming guys!

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Superman is not real world. I can't stand when people try to give there idea of what he would look like if he was real. He is a Comic Book these movies are based off Comic Books. FAKE..

I want my Superman to jump out of the comic book not out of someone mind. So help me god if they take liberties like they did with the Superman Returns suit in the new film ill loose my damn mind.

Well, I want my super heroes to look the best they can for the media that they are in. Garrish colored spandex outfits work in print media but not nearly as well on film.
I'm glad Hugh Jackman hasnt worn the yellow and blue outfit with the kabuki mask on screen and Im glad Cap doesnt have protruding wings coming from his temples.
What works in 4 color print (even 6 color) wont pass the smell test on digital film.
If i were to have a Superman with an expression it would be the smile he gives at the end of every movie!

We are looking at the best Superman collectable aren't we?!
My guess from the start was $189. I Hope its around there.

I was thinking this would run about the same price as Thor and Odin, $179-ish.

My guess is somewhere inbetween: $185 pre-order price. :lecture

If that base lights up, it will be even more amazing.

As for the "serious" headsculpt, I think it looks fine. I would love to see it paired up with a second sculpt showing a confident smile as well:

Guess will have to wait to see official pics but is this to much to ask to the people of HT?

No problem with the stern expression but HT should realize some of the figures that theyre doing have at least and would be better served by 2 expressions/looks.
Especially if the odds are they wont revisit the character.
Jack Sparrow
Well, I want my super heroes to look the best they can for the media that they are in. Garrish colored spandex outfits work in print media but not nearly as well on film.
I'm glad Hugh Jackman hasnt worn the yellow and blue outfit with the kabuki mask on screen and Im glad Cap doesnt have protruding wings coming from his temples.
What works in 4 color print (even 6 color) wont pass the smell test on digital film.

I disagree with you 100%. I want to see what I read in the books both character wise and look wise. If I'm paying 14 bucks for a damn 2 hour movie then I deserve to see what makes the characters great to begin with in every regard. Right down to there costumes.
Nope. Don't want a smartass Superman either. If your heart flutters when Reeve grins, good for you. But I'd prefer a more stern Superman to match the rest of my collectibles.

no, my heart doesn't flutter (speaking of smartass) when reeve grins, but i think it would've been a nice option for HT to give us 2 heads, one stern and one smiling. who knows maybe we will, but probably not with this release.
HT can keep their multiple heads with various expressions, just give me the proper blue and I'm set.
As regards suit colour, yes accuracy might be preferred, but if I'd had a hand in what colour the actual suit was in the movies of the 70s/80s it would have been the darker blue.
I disagree with you 100%. I want to see what I read in the books both character wise and look wise. If I'm paying 14 bucks for a damn 2 hour movie then I deserve to see what makes the characters great to begin with in every regard. Right down to there costumes.



Sometimes things just don't work. Luckily, they found a way to make Red Skull work in the new one, but it's a tricky one.
I disagree with you 100%. I want to see what I read in the books both character wise and look wise. If I'm paying 14 bucks for a damn 2 hour movie then I deserve to see what makes the characters great to begin with in every regard. Right down to there costumes.

Good luck with that.
(Can we agree Joel Schumacher is the anti christ?):pray:
Looking for common ground here.
Sometimes things just don't work. Luckily, they found a way to make Red Skull work in the new one, but it's a tricky one.
I don't agree. Having a low budget so that you can only make a crappy looking version of a comic outfit vs. having talented costumers and money makes a world of difference. The Red Skull example is a great one, or you can see the eyesore JSA from Smallville, which is another example of low budgets leading to crappy looking characters. I suppose it is tricky making a comic hero look good in the real world, but that's not the same as saying that it can't work.

For some reason, people rarely make this argument about Spiderman or Superman, even though they are intrinsically no less silly-looking than any other character.
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