Super Freak
^^^ AWESOME, I get him Monday I believe 

What a POS fail character.
Who the hell would want Adrian Brody on their shelves?
I loved Adrian Brody as Royce, so I will proudly display his figure on my shelf with the rest of my Predator collection. I respect your differing opinion, however.
Royce was the best character of his kind I've seen in years. Brody was perfect. A cold, hard action hero, who could really act. I passed on the T-1000 to purchase this figure. He looks bad ass on my shelf.
Run and tell that, homeboy.
I know right? Wouldn't have believed it myself a couple of months ago when both prototype shots went up, but it was really an easy decision once I saw both in hand.
Compared to the movie Royce here looks like he just took a shower and has his clothes dry-cleaned. From the very first scene, Royce's clothes and skin is caked in dirt and the colors are much darker. Does that bother anyone else?