By "head structures" are you referring to the other dome shaped pyramids on the surface of the planet, or the actual large head sculptures inside the domes? If you didn't know, those heads are basically monuments to the individual Engineers that helped create the human race and gave humans knowledge.
The ones on the surface. They kind of look like the original Alien without a piece of the face covering on the suit. Something I only saw recently in a Profiles in History auction. Which ones are you talking about? I still haven't picked up the Art of Prometheus yet. I was waiting to get the 3D Blu-ray. I should get the book soon as some of those art of books go out of print fast.
Can you elaborate on what your thinking? There are specific answers to some things. Other things are still a mystery that have not been revealed yet.
First, I think only a handful of people don't know the true mission of Prometheus. That would be Shaw, Holloway, Fifield, Millburn, and Janek and his two pilots. There is a telling moment with Ford at the briefing when Holloway jokes about following a ghost. Ford smiles at the joke of it knowing Weyland is alive.
With Fifield and Millburn. Both come off as silly at first. But watching a bit more. You see Fifield is scared even before he goes deep in the pyramid. He lets Millburn go first after all the others. That panic is what causes them to get lost even with maps. One of them says that the caves all look the same. People today get lost with GPS. I don't think getting lost is a big deal. With Millburn, he doesn't believe in the Engineers as seen at the briefing. After coming across them he is scared as well. Kind of like how many people are/were scared of those giant statues from ancient civilizations. When Millburn comes across the space snake he wrongly believes that this is something he can handle as a biologist. That it's significantly less of a problem compared to giant humanoids.
With the ooze. It seems to be a destructive force at first to break down a person as seen with the Engineer in the opening. Since this scene is many thousands of years before the Prometheus' journey, the Engineers themselves are different. At least their ship looks different. I don't want to assume anything about the character's lack of a suit as he could just not be wearing it because he's sacrificing himself. Maybe they are a different group of Engineers. But we won't know that until the sequel. I think someone here posted that Ridley Scott said the original Space Jockey ship was a war transport or something like that. Maybe a good Engineer hijacked it, crashed or landed it on to LV-426, and sent the warning message. Maybe Shaw sets the warning message in the sequel. That's all assumption.
Anyway, once the Prometheus gets to LV-223. The ooze is more of a mutagen that will work to create the Alien or accelerate aggression. I was surprised that the worm that turned into the space snake didn't impregnate Millburn. But it does enter him so I guess that still shows the effects of the mutagen. Holloway's ingestion of the mutagen allows him to impregnate Shaw. Even though she can't have children the mutagen does its own thing to make the giant facehugger.
The Engineers at this point seem to either worship the Aliens or at least be really pleased with their creation. The Alien like creature is at the center of the mural Holloway notices. Everything about the Engineers is designed similarly to the Alien. That's why I think we don't need that final shot. Now, that new type of Alien will just roam around the planet and the sequel should focus on Shaw's journey and not spend too much time about how the Engineers might evolve the new Alien into the one we recognize from Alien/Aliens.
I agree. to me Alien & Prometheus are 1A & 1B. They actually in a lot of ways work together. There are a lot of similarities between them. I like Aliens, but its way below Alien and Prometheus for me. Prometheus is really one of my favorite all-time sci-fi movies!!!
Yes, HTs Shaw, is a must!!!!
I just feel that Prometheus got it right. It didn't play to retro feelings like a TRON Legacy and have little to no substance. When I looked deeper into TRON Legacy I found very little. Just a few good shots and cool moments/characters. I can't watch that movie as a whole unlike Prometheus. I'm still seeing tons of cool stuff and many details and small performances in Prometheus. Even with something small like the moment between Vickers and Weyland. How Weyland is almost furious at the notion that he should just give up life and all he created. It must be said that every shot in Prometheus is stunning.
There are a few small music cues from the original Alien and Aliens too. Prometheus is just a great movie. There is still the one small flaw with the guy that dies in the hangar attack showing up again with Weyland's crew. But I think it could have been perfect if they didn't decide to make a trilogy or two parts and just focus on the one story. I always liked the idea of the Aliens being completely destroyed at the end of Aliens.