Hot Toys: Prometheus - MOVIE SPOILERS!

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Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

For a "perfect organism" they sure do frak with the design a lot.
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

Saying that, it sounded like its what Ridley wanted as he wanted this to be a 3 parter.
Then in that case for all his accomplishments R-didlez is an eejit. He didnt even tell the story of this movie in this movie. So many elements of this movie were left up to interpretation. Id hate to see what mess Prometheus 2 would add to this (let alone a 3rd!).
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

Then in that case for all his accomplishments R-didlez is an eejit. He didnt even tell the story of this movie in this movie. So many elements of this movie were left up to interpretation. Id hate to see what mess Prometheus 2 would add to this (let alone a 3rd!).

Story? There was like 3 different story's in this one film that dint mingle at all and was not needed. The only saving grace in this mess is David. This could of been epic but for poor writing and poor character interaction and messy messy plot. A lot of if it is just wrong. I don't want to point out certain scenes as I do not want to spoil anything. It's left me feeling as if what was the point in the film.
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

Sounds like Ridley tried to do too much with too little(time).:dunno
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

Saw this yesterday the plot is one huge mess. But what do you expect from a writer from Lost.

I still enjoyed it but this is more due to David and the visuals. The 3d was exreamly well done.

I heard that this cut isn't what Ridley originally imagined, but ratings in the UK + MPAA + an eventual Director's Cut (despite it being denied ATM to promote this version) means I'll sit this one out. With the ludicrous ticket price in my local multiplex (3D + "Extreme SoundTM" and whatnot) I'll rather wait for the DVD.
Re: Hot Toys: Prometheus

Then in that case for all his accomplishments R-didlez is an eejit. He didnt even tell the story of this movie in this movie. So many elements of this movie were left up to interpretation. Id hate to see what mess Prometheus 2 would add to this (let alone a 3rd!).

I had the notion that Ridley was opposed to the idea of franchising it as the Alien films ended up becoming. And on the basis of that evidently false notion I hoped for one good standalone film telling us how the derelict ship ended up on LV-426, who the jockeys were and what they were doing.

From what I've heard it tries to tell us about the Jockeys but poses more questions than answers and doesn't deal with the LV-426 ship at all...but one strangely similiar that ends up in exactly the same circumstances on some other planet...stupidly coincidental if you ask me and with the ship we've been fantasising about since '79 FFS!!!!