Viking Spawn
Super Freak
What about the queen on LV426 in Aliens?
I would love that! However, I'm afraid that I and probably many people on this board wouldn't be able to afford it! Unless of course, they have extremely DEEP pockets.
What about the queen on LV426 in Aliens?
This thing is so creepy
I want one.
My spidey sense is telling me we're probably not going to see any Prometheus figures from HT fellas. I just got done watching the movie a third time and the theater was practically empty.
I think HT may let the license lapse on this one. Just a hunch.
On the bright side: I managed to get a loose EX Machina Tereus last night for a relatively cheap price. Planning to use the body to make an Engineer.
This thing is so creepy
I want one.
Where'd you find this image?This thing is so creepy
I want one.
Watched it this past weekend. I left with many questions but I think that's a good thing....
In a nutshell.....
I love what Ridley Scott “the architect” has again achieved. Being the Godfather of the Alien universe, introducing us to the egg, face hugger, chestburster, xenomorph and then watching the studio and directors add their own touch with alien queens/dog alien/new born /Avp etc. He has now returned after 30 years and reset/reboot this universe. Scott is almost saying “You know guys this whole Alien thing is getting old so let’s add some new ingredients to this universe. Here is some black liquid, cobra creatures, giant squids, engineers and protoxenomorphs. I might not know the answers, but lets just go with it”!!
Imagine what will evolve with these creatures over the next 30 years!!!!
Also the term protoxenomorph revering to the alien at the end. This cannot be a proto as the Alien creature existing in 2004 in AVP (and AVP’s back story). So the “Alien” creature exists. When Prometheus first lands on the planet we could see several dome structures is the distance. Perhaps the crew entered the one that housed the liquid. The ship that took off at the end housed the egg!!!
I don't remember seeing that exact part of the scene in the movie, but if it is there and has indeed been altered...that's unfortunate.
AvP was never cannon.
And I completely agree about the original AvP comic series..those stories were truly amazing. That series, the Kenner figures, and AvP the computer game are what introduced me to the two franchises.
So much potential here.
Ridley Scott and James Cameron should team up and make this movie.![]()
Ridley Scott does not recognize AvP at all, and I agree with him. The real Alien universe is Prometheus, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3....and maybe Alien 4. AvP is irrelevant.
The Alien versus Predator franchise is entirely separate from the Alien and Predator franchises. It was never cannon to begin with.
Just because it's all FOX doesn't mean it's all connected...that would mean that Terminator, Star Wars, Alien, Predator, The Simpsons, etc would all be part of the same universe...which doesn't make any sense.