Hot Toys: Prometheus - MOVIE SPOILERS!

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if by that statement u mean worldwide box office does not matter, you are wrong. nowadays, studios regularly rely more on global earnings for a film's profits. it's a main reason (besides piracy) a lot of studios are releasing films elsewhere around the world before the us. case in point: the avengers, although that was a behemoth in the states as well.

having said that, the worldwide BO for prometheus is pretty subpar so far, considering the cost to make and market it.
Yes, the idea that "I saw an an Alien skull in Predator 2 therefore every film made before that and after that, from both franchises, is forever connected as one story" is, I say, utterly nuts - that's crazy people talk.

And no way on Earth was anyone making 'Prometheus' and looking back on the AvP films and saying, 'We gotta make sure it doesn't contradict these films - they're connected like 'Alien' is connected.' They were cheap, thoughtless cash-ins. Taking them into consideration when making an 'Alien' film would be like tying a dead dog to your leg at the start of your workday - no good can come from it and no one even thinks about doing it.

:lol :lol :rotfl
Why do you guys want a sequel? To me it ended like Close Encounters. I don't want to see where Richard Dreyfuss goes, I want to be free to imagine it.

Mainly because it ended on a cliffhanger --

They take off in the second aircraft ... (one of many apparently) ...
to meet the makers

story's nowhere near finished...

would be like saying Lord of the Rings didn't need the next chapter -- or Empire could've ended there after Lando and Chewie leave to save Han...we can't just imagine what happens next, because there's unfinished business.

Close Encounters is about the Close Encounter of the Third Kind and the hero achieved it... Prometheus is about trying to find our makers and learning from them, but the twist is that they apparently want to destroy us, so the new outside motivation for the hero is to save the Human Race from certain doom, (and hopefullyto find out in the process the whys and hows of our creation, as originally intended, maybe learn more of the resulting monsters).

-- but the real question now is, HOW is Shaw or going to stop the engineers from destroying us (she obviously succeeds, since 50 years later Ripley is around to successfully kill an alien)
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Mainly because it ended on a cliffhanger --

They take off in the second aircraft ... (one of many apparently) ...
to meet the makers

story's nowhere near finished...

Richard Dreyfuss went off in search of answers at the end of Close Encounters. Patrick Swayze went off to meet his maker at the end of Ghost. We don't always need to see how that plays out.

Even David acknowledged that Shaw's journey was unnecessary. ;) There's always some leftover follow-up question at the end of every mystery. They don't all have to be addressed. The story of the "Prometheus" is more than finished.
Richard Dreyfuss went off in search of answers at the end of Close Encounters. Patrick Swayze went off to meet his maker at the end of Ghost. We don't always need to see how that plays out.

Even David acknowledged that Shaw's journey was unnecessary. ;) There's always some leftover follow-up question at the end of every mystery. They don't all have to be addressed. The story of the "Prometheus" is more than finished.

It could be and I think that would be alright. However, it would be a shame. The movie was so good and I want to get to see another sci-fi horror movie as amazing as this one was. I want a sequel.
Richard Dreyfuss went off in search of answers at the end of Close Encounters. Patrick Swayze went off to meet his maker at the end of Ghost. We don't always need to see how that plays out.

Even David acknowledged that Shaw's journey was unnecessary. ;) There's always some leftover follow-up question at the end of every mystery. They don't all have to be addressed. The story of the "Prometheus" is more than finished.

Yeah but those ending ended "with the knowledge that everything would be alright" - the climax when when Patrick Swayze's character was able to say
"I Love you" -- to be free to love- that was the real climax and going to meet his maker is the result of the accomplishment of the goal -- the result of an accomplished gaol is usually "happiness" or satisfaction for most hollywood endings -- or melancholy for tragedies, but Prometheus ended on a "Cliffhanger"...that was not the true climax like in Harry Potter - the tru climax comes later with the real payoff......

We leave Prometheus knowing that the creators are now trying to kill off mankind and there's more of them...the story is not evenclose to being resolved...the walking off in the sunset moment has not yet happened -- this is more more like Lando Flying off to accomplish a new goal that's different from the main goal.

The goal has to be achieved or failed, but neither has happened yet because the true goal has just emerged - save mankind...
This was written as an ACT 1 introduction and presenation of gaol and crossing the point of no return (which is always followed by 2 goal complication and 3 climax, achievement (because we know she accomplished it, but how is the big question because the deck is stacked against the hero at this point - there's no reason to believe she can easily overcome them)
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One question. Has anyone purchased this??

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We leave Prometheus knowing that the creators are now trying to kill off mankind and there's more of them...the story is not evenclose to being resolved...the walking off in the sunset moment has not yet happened -- this is more more like Lando Flying off to accomplish a new goal that's different from the main goal.

The reason I disagree is that with The Empire Strikes Back Han Solo was in immediate peril and the heroes went off to rescue him from said peril. The engineers in Prometheus might have it in for humankind but there's nothing in the story to suggest that the Earth is in any impending danger at all. Apparently the animosity dates back 2,000 years and was only jump started by the Prometheus opening a can of worms (no pun intended) by its arrival on LV-223. With the death of the only engineer who actually tries to carry out mankind's extinction for all we know the rest of them won't get around to trying again for another two, ten thousand, or ten million years, if at all! Not really something that demands an immediate follow-up resolution.

For all intents and purposes LV-223 was a dead planet, the crew of the Prometheus revived it and then subsequently laid it to rest again. We can assume that Shaw is now off on a Richard Dreyfuss journey, maybe she'll encounter more destruction or maybe she'll encounter a homeworld of enlightened engineers who condemn the desctructive intentions of one rogue weapons testing facility. Who knows.

We didn't know if Ripley was ever going to make it home after ALIEN or if MacReady had any snowball's chance of surviving the night after THE THING and we didn't need to. The compartmentalized threat that was introduced in the film was resolved.
if by that statement u mean worldwide box office does not matter, you are wrong. nowadays, studios regularly rely more on global earnings for a film's profits. it's a main reason (besides piracy) a lot of studios are releasing films elsewhere around the world before the us. case in point: the avengers, although that was a behemoth in the states as well.

having said that, the worldwide BO for prometheus is pretty subpar so far, considering the cost to make and market it.

R rated film- what do they want- not a family oriented crowd suction like Avengers...Fox knew this going in with that rating- it is doing fine for what it is