HOT TOYS QS 1/4 Darth Vader (pic courtesy Seanxlong)

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He looks beast, would be beyond pumped if they did a McQ Vader.... in either scale tbh.
This figure does look good in pics but I can't stand rots vader. That suit was made for a tall body builder not a skinny little kid. It just looked wrong!!

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I was hoping they would do an "idealized" where it is the ROTS suit but with the body size of Prowse.
From pics the figure doesn't look too skinny.

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I was hoping they would do an "idealized" where it is the ROTS suit but with the body size of Prowse.
From pics the figure doesn't look too skinny.

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Yeah that's what I was thinking. Figure doesn't actually look too bad

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Yeah I know. The suit looks thing is I wish the electronic chest box was a lil higher up.
Otherwise this is a knock out. Love the helmet too. And I'm a diehard ESB Vader.
But I could be perfectly happy with this as my 1/4 scale Vader and my modded "everything" 1/6th scale Vader (New SS ROTJ Vader with HT helmet).

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I cannot believe that is the best they can do with the gloves..............

I don't know if they are like the HT ANH sixth scale ones.
Look more like the inner glove and forearm glove are one sculpted piece. Let's hope anyways.

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It also appears the eye lenses are more curved than flat...but it could be an allusion.
I like the OT curved look rather than the Revenge flat lense.

I mean the helmet looks a lot like the Return of the Jedi helmet and less like the Revenge of the Sith. I actually was researching and didn't realize the ESB and ROTJ were different. ROTJ is a bit more of a uniform black and seems glossier.

Man I'm excited for this figure.

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More pics to compare the HT version with the ROTJ and ESB version.


Also it looks like the neck area is a little different, showing the back collar piece


Also...where are the posts for this! If this was a 1/4 scale IM ppl would be all over this.

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OMG I lost faith in this still happening. Glad to see its still coming! As soon as this goes up, I'm preordering. I love ROTS. Will be my first QS figure too. ^_^
Well, I didn't want to get this piece. I was hoping the SS PF would satisfy my needs for a 1/4 scale Vader. But with those photos, I'm know I'm gonna be outta some more money. I hope it goes up for preorder soon.
OMG I lost faith in this still happening. Glad to see its still coming! As soon as this goes up, I'm preordering. I love ROTS. Will be my first QS figure too. ^_^

I know! I know! My big want (and the 1/4 Stormtrooper). I'm also getting the new SS Vader and putting an EBay HT head on I'll be fully happy with my VADER collection.

I'm not a big fan of the ROTS version (tho of all the prequels movie i do enjoy that one). My Favorite movie is Empire Strikes Back and it is the one Star Wars movie I can watch over and over. I think all the OT SW characters are characterized best in this film, especially Lord Vader. His uncaring attitude towards his lieutenants, the Imperial March John Williams theme, his Super Star Destroyer, his fight with Luke and his epic reveal. I'd love this version most.

But if you look at my comparison pictures, the helmet seems to look more OT than ROTS. And he seems to look bulkier than the Hayden Christensen worn Vader suit. Here is another pic (don't know why they have him looking way up.)


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man I really hope they get heir #*$ together and put him up for PO SOON!

I've been waiting for a Pre-order for this for too long. I wonder how many Iron Men have gone by since this was first revealed ha

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I've been waiting for a Pre-order for this for too long. I wonder how many Iron Men have gone by since this was first revealed ha

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I know.. I just dont understand.. they showed this at so many shows already..