The SW figures really look awesome. I'm not a diehard fan but I have to force myself not ordering Vader & Yoda to represent the franchise on my shelves.
Wait, I thought he was in only 2 scenes (his castle on Mustafar and in the end, chasing down the plans)? Was there an after-credits sequence? I left in the middle of credits roll.
When did the HT go to waitlist? Is this one worth owning along with the ANH version, or are they hardly different from one another? Are parts able to be combined to fix the flaws of ANH version? Or could there be an ESB Vader coming from HT in the near future?
The SW figures really look awesome. I'm not a diehard fan but I have to force myself not ordering Vader & Yoda to represent the franchise on my shelves.
Don't force yourself.
Hehe, I knew someone would notice that.
I just saw that both figures I want most from this franchise release in February/March here in Europe. I don't think Vader will sell out since the previous version is widely available.
The ANH version had electronics/sound in the body didn't it and this new RO one doesn't? I'm assuming that would account for the difference.
I jumped on the waitlist for this at Sideshow. Those of you who are saying there will be a second batch - has Hot Toys mentioned this somewhere or is this something expected since they released a second wave of OT figures?
Sideshow always does this when they know there will be a demand for something, then they "magically" have the item available shortly after it's gone to waitlist.
I'm not happy that I missed my chance at getting this Vader. I hope they'll restock.
I much prefer the tunic over the armor. I just think it looks better, aesthetically-speaking. Also, that's the first Vader I saw, so I was a tad disappointed that they changed the look for him the first time I saw ESB.
Maybe Hot Toys will switch the tunic for Batch 2...?