Awesome Megacolour. I'm expecting mine this week too.
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If your a Star Wars fan you'll love of if not the best cape on a hot toy to date. Congrats on the pick up!
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Awesome Megacolour. I'm expecting mine this week too.
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I just received notice that my WL for Rogue 1 Vader is converting on the 26th. Figures since I already have one...
My waitlist converted too so I'm excited!
To those that have both the HT ANH Vader cape and the Rogue One cape, what are the differences between the two other than length? Are they the same material, stitching, etc? I hear several people praising the RO cape but from what I can see in pics it looks the same to me.
To those that have both the HT ANH Vader cape and the Rogue One cape, what are the differences between the two other than length? Are they the same material, stitching, etc? I hear several people praising the RO cape but from what I can see in pics it looks the same to me.
haven't seen a pic myself, so for those curious how the lenses on the Rogue one Vader look:
View attachment 319213
Thanks. I assume opening the helmet is as straight forward as for the ANH helmet, right?
I was considering putting that reflective tape behind the eyes to make the red pop more like it did in the movie.
Could this mean a second batch on the way ?