My Unreal Toys Vader cape finally came in! It's such an amazing piece and well worth it! Here's the cape on my mostly rogue one Vader kitbash (ESB)
This ain't Rogue one head sculpt is it?
My Unreal Toys Vader cape finally came in! It's such an amazing piece and well worth it! Here's the cape on my mostly rogue one Vader kitbash (ESB)
That flowing cape looks great!
Will be perfect for an ESB "...Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son." Vader.
This ain't Rogue one head sculpt is it?
I've had this awesome figure since March and regrettably neglected to take any pics of him. They're just my usual phone pics but here's a few okay ones I have now:
Truly an amazing figure to have!
Cool shot with the Anakin sabers!
The one silver nose plug puts me off everytime I see it. That's not screen accurate right?? I thought they fixed them both in RO!
Nice shots. All the new ROTJ Vader news isn't gonna make me sell my RO. Aaaand it's not gonna keep me from preordering him as well!
So with this being at SDCC is it being rereleased?
So with this being at SDCC is it being rereleased?
Hmmm... I wonder if the RO re-release is gonna be packaged like the ANH with an Interrogator Droid.
For some reason, I'd be inclined to say they were merely using it as an accessory piece to showcase Tarkin. If that's the case though, it's beyond me why they didn't just use an ANH Vader figure if it's meant to be ANH Tarkin.