I think TaliBane's post is the best evidence yet for the use of deflected bolts -- I didn't even make it all the way down to his Klaatu example. So many examples of lightsaber deflecting bolts. Brilliant.
I would also say since 1983 that I assumed Luke intentionally deflected that bolt into that guy on the barge. Otherwise its just not cool. I wonder what the filmmakers say on this...?
You're skimming.

We are talking about TARGETED bouncing back of laser beams by a skilled Jedi. That's what Vader clearly does in RO.
DEFLECTED beams occur using lightsaber in the OT. But not TARGETED back at the shooter.
Even Luke in ROTJ (the same Luke who defeats Vader in battle just a day or so later) doesn't do targeted bounce-backs even when he's in critical need - like at the incoming speeder bike firing lasers at him, or on the skiff when he's facing a half dozen goons with firing laser pistols.
The Klaatu death is clearly meant to be a cool but freak thing - it occurs in a hail of laser bolts, and Luke never does it again even ONCE.
In RO, it's clearly meant to show Vader's mastery, yet Luke is arguably at the same level in ROTJ and never is CLEARLY shown to do it intentionally, i.e. proving its skill.
All I'm saying is if this was a Jedi skill seen in the OT, wouldn't the filmmakers make a big deal of it, not have it happen at the VERY END of the barge battle only ONCE in a THROWAWAY fashion (amidst a bunch of other stuff) and never to be seen again... before or after?