Broke and happy
Centered yes it just doesn't swing all the way back but it should be centered mine is.
LIST OF PROBLEMS for HT CODY (for internet search optimization)
Right arm falls off
Loose armor
Dweeb shoulders
Guns do not fit in hands
Left shoulder antenna falls out
Cannot hold helmet under his arm (for long, it falls... then loose antennae breaks)
Looks like Tom Cruise
wobbly left should joint
folding stock won't open all the way
Shoulder straps sit high
Made in China
Anything else?
I was afraid to push the battery forearm onto the peg it was hard but then I just gave one hard push it connected just right and it's on there good no problems not loose.
Holds up the holo just fine he looks great.
Centered yes it just doesn't swing all the way back but it should be centered mine is.
Is there any way to fix the shoulder guards?
LIST OF PROBLEMS for HT CODY (for internet search optimization)
Right arm falls off
Loose armor
Dweeb shoulders
Guns do not fit in hands
Left shoulder antenna falls out
Cannot hold helmet under his arm (for long, it falls... then loose antennae breaks)
Looks like Tom Cruise
wobbly left should joint
folding stock won't open all the way
Shoulder straps sit high
Made in China
Anything else?
I really wonder why none of the reviewers were experiencing the same problems.
Are the quality fluctuations so big?
Cody got the most dialogue from the emperor and the only trooper!
Cody in an exclusive trooper club lol
Palpatine gives the order on-screen to another clone, Captain Jag in his ARC-170, before shooting down Plo Koon. And Rex gets the order as well. We see Gree respond to it but Palpatine's directive happens before the cut back to Kashyyyk.
Off screen, I imagine at least all the clone marshal commanders got the order from Palpatine personally. Since it's probably something he was looking forward to for years and filled his black shriveled heart with glee.