Or a blaster shot going straight through Scarecrow's head but doing no damage, as he has no brain.
Dude, I love it!
And I've got the same display space issue as well.
Here's one eclectic shelf that I've got.
View attachment 501428
Posts are now starting to get dramatic lol
This Cody figure rocks!
Had none of the issues mentioned other than Made in China.
Really love this figure. I did notice that he feels a bit short in hand... but then, how tall is Cody supposed to be? Boba Fett was short. Jango was eye-level with Obi-Wan. Both are 5 foot 9 inches or so. Cody scales up to about 5 foot 10... so it is accurate... I just always imagined the clones, like Stormtroopers, to be an even 6 foot.
View attachment 501452
View attachment 501454View attachment 501455
This Cody figure rocks!
Had none of the issues mentioned other than Made in China.
Holy **** what a pain in the ******* this guy is. Took me 10 minutes just to get his right forearm back in after it popped out. I'm never playing with him again. I might not even look at him because I don't want to have to fix him again.
Hot Toys Commander Cody
I didn't try the pistols or big rifle, just the blaster -- once heated, they fingers fit over the grip well enough to hold it sturdily, finger on trigger. I'm not sure the pinky finger is truly around the grip or just against it if that's what you mean.
What's causing the right forearm to pop out?
Does his forearm come off easily when bending to aim with a blaster rifle?
What's causing the right forearm to pop out?
Does his forearm come off easily when bending to aim with a blaster rifle?
You were actually able to capture the left grip problem in one of your photos good job lol
See the light coming thru, the gun is just not held perfectly.
View attachment 501457
You mean that little light spill between trigger finger and back of the grip? Should the trigger finger be flat against the gun?