i was referring to your insensitivity, not to your taste in collectibles… i am all for having a good time, just not at the expense of others.
Geez!? ..can you no say "gay" in this forum without some d--khead calling you insensitive ...one of my best friends is gay so don't you go making me out to be some some sort of gayhater over a comment that was intended as a joke with no intentions to offend anyone.
Seriously take a chill pill!
..however i will watch what i post from now on..you never know who may be reading,by right i should have know better and i do apologize to anyone who was offended by my comment , but generally in normal conversation i'd imagine most straight guys would describe something stupid or ridiculous as "gay" or"lame" ..its similar to bad language in a way, hard habit to break out of...but like i said on a forum anyone can be reading your posts and you can think before you type unlike in the real world where you can blurt out anything without thinking.. lesson learned
That said man i don't take kindly to someone calling me unintelligent ..i have apologized for my comment you should do the same.
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