I am not as well versed on my vader armors....is that the ROTS? And a sideshow fett? I hope it's 1/4 scale haha.
1/4 scale Vader and Fett!!!
Pregnancy. And they should probably wait until after the first trimester before being so loud about it.![]()
Where is this confirmed?
I too would like a source.
Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather have ANH or ESB Vader. But I'd take a ROTS Vader over, say, another Stormtrooper. Ho-hum.
How (and why) in ROTS did the find the time/need to put on Vader's cape and robe while they were obviously still working on rebuilding him? That suiting up transformation only underscores how badly thought out the entire prequel scripts were. 1/10. Imagine (the joy) if Disney removed them from the canon and decided to remake them with new scripts? One can dream.
And why no evolution? Why did he have to look like the vader we knew right off the bat? I imagine it would have evolved between ROTS and ANH. Instead they chose to hit us all over the head and make sure we knew anakin became vader haha.
Exactly. I mean, even Steve Jobs didn't wear exactly the same clothes for 20 years.
I'll say i again, because it's always worth repeating. There's nothing good about any of the prequels. Jar Jar doesn't even make the top 20 list of atrocities.
Hot Toys would do best to go directly to EP.7 or hit OT first with the rumored smuggler Han.
How (and why) in ROTS did the find the time/need to put on Vader's cape and robe while they were obviously still working on rebuilding him? That suiting up transformation only underscores how badly thought out the entire prequel scripts were. 1/10. Imagine (the joy) if Disney removed them from the canon and decided to remake them with new scripts? One can dream.
I never thought about that. I was too preoccupied wondering why Luke needed time in a bacta tank after getting smacked by a Wampa, but they just slapped a leather suit over Vader's charred necrotic flesh and told him to get up and get back on the clock.
The former is how the Rebels treat one of their own, the latter is how the Empire treats one of its own. Classic light/dark Manichean stuff.
And part of Vader's anger, rage and torment lies in the fact that he's been confined, imprisoned is more like it, to a black, armored sarcophagus.
Anakin Skywalker is Lucifer, a fallen angel, the most beautiful and powerful Jedi in the galaxy. He's laid low by his own hubris and winds up in an Iron Lung, unable to survive on his own.
The only thing that keeps him going is his hatred for Obi-Wan, not to mention a little for the Emperor as well.
The ability to be dressed and mobile any time soon relative to the severity of the damage impacted my suspension of disbelief while seeing it in the theater.