Super Freak
Hot Toys are dangerous like that. Making me want to buy figures from films I'd had no previous interest in. I'm trying..really trying to resist the urge to buy that Blade figure. I watched the first 2 films again the other night just to see if I really need a figure to represent them in my collection. I was never exactly overwhelmed by those films and I still amn't and yet I could go either way on the figure. I've been changing my mind daily since the pics appeared. "He'd go nice with Wolverine" I say, only to be countered by "yeah but you'd never even heard of the character till you saw the films, he wasn't part of your childhood, he has no nostalgia factor"...I retort again with "but he looks so cool, imagine him fighting Wolverine!"...."you don't even know if they exist in the same universe!" AAARRRGHHHH!!!
Anyway thats a bit off-topic. I look forward to seeing my Skinjob T-600 again. I only had him out of his box for a short period before having to put him away and never even assembled him with all his gear knowing I'd have to take it apart again. Its a beautiful figure, I love the imposing size. I really think the P1 predator, though an excellent figure, should have been closer to this size.
my collecting habits are simple. if i like the figure enough, i'll get it, regardless of how i feel about the movie. but more likely, i'll get the figure if it's a well-made and (reasonably) accurate rendition of a character from a movie i love. eg: predator, t2, aliens, etc.
the rest of the time, i base it on my liking of the collectible itself. example: the darth talon pf. she's not part of the movies and i know very little about her. but i like the character design and the pf is just beautifully rendered. so i decided to get her.
of course, as the other forummers here have pointed out, peer influence can be vewy, vewy dangerous!