Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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I hope I'm wrong but I reckon there must be a licensing reason for why EB did the Begins suit and not TDK version :dunno

I hope you are too. I am guessing having the license for TDK will allow them to do the 2nd suit still.
I hope I'm wrong but I reckon there must be a licensing reason for why EB did the Begins suit and not TDK version :dunno

I'm pretty sure they have the license to make it. The Begins suit was in TDK and they also made the Joker so I doubt it's a license issue. Hot Toys has the license for 1/4th scale TDKR.
I'm pretty sure they have the license to make it. The Begins suit was in TDK and they also made the Joker so I doubt it's a license issue. Hot Toys has the license for 1/4th scale TDKR.

My guess is if EB is making their own version they'll reveal it either soon or about a month or two before HT's releases. EB doesn't preview stuff 6-8 months before release.
My guess is if EB is making their own version they'll reveal it either soon or about a month or two before HT's releases. EB doesn't preview stuff 6-8 months before release.

To be honest I doubt EB are even making it since HT is doing that suit version. I don't think they want to risk losing sales to "the bigger company". Though it could be the perfect chance for EB to prove that they can do better and "beat" HT so to speak. Even perhaps forcing HT to improve their 1/4th scale standard.. though the EB Begins suit v. should have done that already to them..
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Guys, I think there's nothin 2 worry bout. After all, HT fixxed Teh Joekerrs sox n Batman's Bat.:lecture:yess:

Seriously, though, this is one release where I really, really, really, really hope they come through. I want to own this figure, I really do. In the early days of this thread, I made a prediction of what I'd want this figure to have, and HT exceeded even those expectations. This is my dream figure, and an instant buy, and a grail, etc. to me, but they need the head to match the quality of the rest of the figure. For Pete's sake, regardless of what you think about the shoulder pads, this is the first time HT got the construction of them right, so why can't they fix the sculpts?

As much as I pray that the PERS are fixed, too, even that wouldn't bother me as much if he had a great selection of faces to go with it. Speaking of which, the Bale head; it looks really, really good, but it's only at like 80-85 % right there, IMO. If they could fix even some of those issues, it'd be great. Judging by the DX 12, the seem to have almost got the cowl down, but even that would be alright if they just fixed the back portion. In my dreams, all of the issues with this figure were due to time constraints and a rushed prototype, and, one morning, I wake up, see in-hand pics from the Far East, and instantly pre-order from Sideshow.
My guess is if EB is making their own version they'll reveal it either soon or about a month or two before HT's releases. EB doesn't preview stuff 6-8 months before release.

Would be good to know if EB is doing one as personally it would make my mind up about picking up this HT version. I think if EB does the TDK suit then the HT would be an easy pass for me.
there is a chance EB to make the TDK cause thats the licence they have, but the whole HT ,EB sparring dictate what some of the releases will be lol. thats why we are getting a 1/4th ape from HTs, and judging by how happy HTs is with the 1/6 DKR figure i doubt they will put out anything different from what we have seen. lets hope for the best.
My guess is if EB is making their own version they'll reveal it either soon or about a month or two before HT's releases. EB doesn't preview stuff 6-8 months before release.

To be honest I doubt EB are even making it since HT is doing that suit version. I don't think they want to risk losing sales to "the bigger company". Though it could be the perfect chance for EB to prove that they can do better and "beat" HT so to speak. Even perhaps forcing HT to improve their 1/4th scale standard.. though the EB Begins suit v. should have done that already to them..

I'm with voorhees on this one.

There's a reason why HT is giving us so much acc on this one, even stuffs that are not from TDKR but TDK (TDK backpack, stick bomb, sonar eyes). HT would've tried to make it into 2 separate release like they normally would.

My guess is reason they are even trying this hard is so that their version looks better overall, just like the HT sparrow vs EB Sparrow.
Guys, I think there's nothin 2 worry bout. After all, HT fixxed Teh Joekerrs sox n Batman's Bat.:lecture:yess:

Seriously, Hot Toys are lazy and I believe they can afford it.. why? This is simply speculation, but I think because there are two types of collectors. The ones who collect toys, the majority, and those who collect art, the minority.

The ones who collect art are the ones constantly giving constructive criticism of these figures and wants a masterpiece. The ones who collect toys are the ones who would buy the figure and not care about major inaccuracies and criticize the people giving good critique on the likeness of the figure in question.

I remember when that John Robberts guy (or whatever his name was) posted some really good criticism of the DX12, Joker and the QS001 on HT's FB page. You had the majority of people crapping on his efforts, defending Hot Toys, saying "don't like it, don't buy it", "do better yourself" and "it's just a figure" from what I remember.

That kind of mentality gives Hot Toys the right to be lazy... Since idio.. I mean, these toy collectors wouldn't mind ****ty likeness, HT won't lose any money on it.

Would be good to know if EB is doing one as personally it would make my mind up about picking up this HT version. I think if EB does the TDK suit then the HT would be an easy pass for me.

Same here...
I was just kidding with that one, and I know exactly what kind of backlash John Roberts got (That was my alias, but I decided to take eight years off). Also, they are idiots. When people go to the lengths to tell you to "go ****ing kill yourself, you ****ing ****sucker mother****er *********" because you criticize their favorite toy company, that's when I decide that I don't want to live on this planet anymore. That being said, maybe I'll take up my crusade again.
I was just kidding with that one, and I know exactly what kind of backlash John Roberts got (That was my alias, but I decided to take eight years off). Also, they are idiots. When people go to the lengths to tell you to "go ****ing kill yourself, you ****ing ****sucker mother****er *********" because you criticize their favorite toy company, that's when I decide that I don't want to live on this planet anymore. That being said, maybe I'll take up my crusade again.

Yeah I know you were kidding about the Joker and the Batman's Bat! :wink1:

That was you? I stood behind you on all of your posts man, you shouldn't have given up. Screw those idiots, just block em, that's what I did. I hope you can post more criticism on their page. I also e-mailed Hot Toys with that info but I doubt they got it..

Oh good this thread has become another Enterbay is great and Hot Toys is crap love fest

I'd never block those idiots! A lot of the time, the sheer stupidity of what they posted made my day. Also, I didn't give up, I just got bored, and our efforts didn't seem to be in vain, judging by the aforementioned examples. Do you have the EB Batman, Dracula?
Oh good this thread has become another Enterbay is great and Hot Toys is crap love fest

No, it's valid speculation as to whether or not HT can match the standard EB has set with their figure. :lecture

Given the fact that (a) HT has had several attempts to do a TDK figure that really knocks it out of the park and failed while EB did on their first attempt and (b) the HT version is substantially more expensive, it's a discussion worth having. :lecture

...and for the record, I own close to 40 HT figures as opposed to 5 EB figures. I've supported HT for many years. But their quality has declined while their prices have risen since they've basically been the only game in town. This release is very important for HT...I'm curious to see if competition causes them to raise their game or rest on their laurels. :lecture

:lecture :lol :1-1:
I'd never block those idiots! A lot of the time, the sheer stupidity of what they posted made my day. Also, I didn't give up, I just got bored, and our efforts didn't seem to be in vain, judging by the aforementioned examples. Do you have the EB Batman, Dracula?

Yeah that's true... I kinda miss that David Shawn guy, he was funny but I think HT blocked him? :rotfl

Maybe that's a sign that HT actually read the posts on their FB page, so you should continue with the fight, I'll support you and so should any sane person do as well.

I don't have the EB Bats yet, it's going to be shipped out to me this monday hopefully with the EB Joker and T-800 BD.
Well, to anyone who has the EB Bats, a good camera, and some photography skills, and who wants to try to help get a better Batman from HT, could you get pics of each face with the head in this exact position (or as close as you can get) all three times:


and, possibly, in the position of one of the full body shots?
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I'm with voorhees on this one.

There's a reason why HT is giving us so much acc on this one, even stuffs that are not from TDKR but TDK (TDK backpack, stick bomb, sonar eyes). HT would've tried to make it into 2 separate release like they normally would.

My guess is reason they are even trying this hard is so that their version looks better overall, just like the HT sparrow vs EB Sparrow.

I am with you on this...:goodpost:

I believe Hottoys will correct some of the proto inaccuracies...DX12 was a fast release, they had the time to fix cowl's problem and Wayne's head for 1/4 version. But as i always remains to be seen....:lecture