Guys, I think there's nothin 2 worry bout. After all, HT fixxed Teh Joekerrs sox n Batman's Bat.

Seriously, though, this is one release where I really, really, really, really hope they come through. I want to own this figure, I really do. In the early days of this thread, I made a prediction of what I'd want this figure to have, and HT exceeded even those expectations. This is my dream figure, and an instant buy, and a grail, etc. to me, but they need the head to match the quality of the rest of the figure. For Pete's sake, regardless of what you think about the shoulder pads, this is the first time HT got the construction of them right, so why can't they fix the sculpts?
As much as I pray that the PERS are fixed, too, even that wouldn't bother me as much if he had a great selection of faces to go with it. Speaking of which, the Bale head; it looks really, really good, but it's only at like 80-85 % right there, IMO. If they could fix even some of those issues, it'd be great. Judging by the DX 12, the seem to have almost got the cowl down, but even that would be alright if they just fixed the back portion. In my dreams, all of the issues with this figure were due to time constraints and a rushed prototype, and, one morning, I wake up, see in-hand pics from the Far East, and instantly pre-order from Sideshow.