Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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Seriously, Hot Toys are lazy and I believe they can afford it.. why? This is simply speculation, but I think because there are two types of collectors. The ones who collect toys, the majority, and those who collect art, the minority.

The ones who collect art are the ones constantly giving constructive criticism of these figures and wants a masterpiece. The ones who collect toys are the ones who would buy the figure and not care about major inaccuracies and criticize the people giving good critique on the likeness of the figure in question.

I remember when that John Robberts guy (or whatever his name was) posted some really good criticism of the DX12, Joker and the QS001 on HT's FB page. You had the majority of people crapping on his efforts, defending Hot Toys, saying "don't like it, don't buy it", "do better yourself" and "it's just a figure" from what I remember.

That kind of mentality gives Hot Toys the right to be lazy... Since idio.. I mean, these toy collectors wouldn't mind ****ty likeness, HT won't lose any money on it.

Same here...

I fall into a third category, namely the collector that sees these as toys, albeit very expensive ones, and wants them to be as good as their pricetag suggests. A collector that does not advocate for one company at the expense of others, as if these are sports teams. I want a kickass Batman, and I couldn't care less if it has a HT, EB, DCD, or SS logo stamped on the box. I collect a character, not a company.
I fall into a third category, namely the collector that sees these as toys, albeit very expensive ones, and wants them to be as good as their pricetag suggests. A collector that does not advocate for one company at the expense of others, as if these are sports teams. I want a kickass Batman, and I couldn't care less if it has a HT, EB, DCD, or SS logo stamped on the box. I collect a character, not a company.

Well, the word "toy" surely has a different meaning where I live. It means, a child's play thing. These figures aren't toys to me or even aimed at children. They are high-end collectibles meant for display. They are art to me, not barbie dolls.

As for the rest of your comment, it can fit into my two categories. I personally don't care which company I buy from. I have collectibles from EB, HT, SS and others. Mostly HT. Don't give a damn about the company, if someone does, they are fanboys. And to me fanboyism is illogical. Just to make that clear.
Well, the word "toy" surely has a different meaning where I live. It means, a child's play thing. These figures aren't toys to me or even aimed at children. They are high-end collectibles meant for display. They are art to me, not barbie dolls.

As for the rest of your comment, it can fit into my two categories. I personally don't care which company I buy from. I have collectibles from EB, HT, SS and others. Mostly HT. Don't give a damn about the company, if someone does, they are fanboys. And to me fanboyism is illogical. Just to make that clear.

Yeah "toy" moniker doesn't quite fit but 99% of the rest of the world sees this as one. I prefer "collectible" and leave it at that:rotfl
Yeah "toy" moniker doesn't quite fit but 99% of the rest of the world sees this as one. I prefer "collectible" and leave it at that:rotfl

Yeah, artwork/high-end collectible.. doesn't really matter to me. But they aren't toys, unless toy means expensive high-end collectible meant for display. :lol
I agree with most fighter here as this is the most anticipated figure for me. This is my first 1/4 which I broke my promise not to get into it. So this must be damn near perfect if not perfect. 1/6th is harder to reach perfection now that it's in 1/4th should make things easier..

Competitior has risen the bar. HT has all resources at dispossal to fix all the issues.

Please for this one time listen to your royal customer and give us the true masterpiece of QS 001.. This deserves to hold number 1 in it if you HT are willing to listen to us..
I agree with most fighter here as this is the most anticipated figure for me. This is my first 1/4 which I broke my promise not to get into it. So this must be damn near perfect if not perfect. 1/6th is harder to reach perfection now that it's in 1/4th should make things easier..

Competitior has risen the bar. HT has all resources at dispossal to fix all the issues.

Please for this one time listen to your royal customer and give us the true masterpiece of QS 001.. This deserves to hold number 1 in it if you HT are willing to listen to us..


Wouldn't a bigger product make it easier to spot whatever error's are made?:dunno
If there are some guys on here easily able to spot a few print mark's in The Joker's new paint, then may god have mercy on this figure! :lol

Wouldn't a bigger product make it easier to spot whatever error's are made?:dunno
If there are some guys on here easily able to spot a few print mark's in The Joker's new paint, then may god have mercy on this figure! :lol

That's what he's saying. It's harder to get it right in 1/6th, and, with the bigger scale, HT should have no excuses.
I anticipate greatness on this..very very excited....the recent "odd" proportioned pics are distortions , if not HT will fix it....cause the arms do look way too long in those pics.
I think DX12 is terrific and if those "faults" get carried over on 1/4 I'm fine with it. To each his own...
Still, you wouldn't rather that they fix it? The DX 12 head, for all intents and purposes, blows, and I wouldn't want the QS to be brought down by the same stupid issues.
Still, you wouldn't rather that they fix it? The DX 12 head, for all intents and purposes, blows, and I wouldn't want the QS to be brought down by the same stupid issues.

This is what worries me. I don't think the DX12 sculpt blows, it just feels slightly off. But imagining that at 1/4 scale could be a big mess. Hoping that it will actually turn out better than DX12 because you have to figure accuracy would be easier at a larger scale? :dunno I mean the EB is amazing. I will see how he turns out in hand but I may still sell him if I don't like what I see. I was thinking of posing him with the sonar look so maybe that will help hide any sculpt issues.
This is what I got from HT after a long wait and excitement I accumulated... Thanks Hot Toys.. Although not so many people get this kind of QC problem I don't see it as a rarity and exclusivity !!!

Apart from the defects out there I agree with batfan and the rest of you that wants perfection from this QS.
Seriously, Hot Toys are lazy and I believe they can afford it.. why? This is simply speculation, but I think because there are two types of collectors. The ones who collect toys, the majority, and those who collect art, the minority.

The ones who collect art are the ones constantly giving constructive criticism of these figures and wants a masterpiece. The ones who collect toys are the ones who would buy the figure and not care about major inaccuracies and criticize the people giving good critique on the likeness of the figure in question.

I remember when that John Robberts guy (or whatever his name was) posted some really good criticism of the DX12, Joker and the QS001 on HT's FB page. You had the majority of people crapping on his efforts, defending Hot Toys, saying "don't like it, don't buy it", "do better yourself" and "it's just a figure" from what I remember.

That kind of mentality gives Hot Toys the right to be lazy... Since idio.. I mean, these toy collectors wouldn't mind ****ty likeness, HT won't lose any money on it.

Yep so true, the majority of collectors do not want art but gimmicks like PERS that sacrifices likeness instead of having a realistic Head sculpt where the likeness is dead on.This is all so they can have more options to play with like move eyes etc. I fall in the minority character like you Drac, I want art over play things.

I am with you on this...:goodpost:

I believe Hottoys will correct some of the proto inaccuracies...DX12 was a fast release, they had the time to fix cowl's problem and Wayne's head for 1/4 version. But as i always remains to be seen....:lecture

I disagree,

The inaccuracies of the cowl are what make it more toy like and since the majority prefer toys they will not fix it. :thud: