Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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What's the ex item?

EDIT: it's the empty cowl I see.

Yeah pretty meh EX item but I am just saying if Platty get's this as soon as it is released in Asia he will most likely be getting the EX one. Which despite that it is just an empty cowl it is still more valuable than the regular because it is an EX item.
The Sideshow EX one, some people in Hong Kong call it the VIP stock but its actually called special edition. :wink1:

What's the ex item?

EDIT: it's the empty cowl I see.

Yeah pretty meh EX item but I am just saying if Platty get's this as soon as it is released in Asia he will most likely be getting the EX one. Which despite that it is just an empty cowl it is still more valuable than the regular because it is an EX item.

Ohh I get you. I wouldn't mind that empty cowl, but i'm not going to pay a crazy price for it. Don't vip and ex items usually go for a lot higher when ebay sellers sell them at first? I would have gone with sideshow, but that £30+ fedex bill you get stung with a few weeks after delivery really flips my lid! So i'll only go to them for their own products.
Ohh I get you. I wouldn't mind that empty cowl, but i'm not going to pay a crazy price for it. Don't vip and ex items usually go for a lot higher when ebay sellers sell them at first? I would have gone with sideshow, but that £30+ fedex bill you get stung with a few weeks after delivery really flips my lid! So i'll only go to them for their own products.

I think as soon as this gets released in Hong Kong they will only be selling the EX ones. Nevertheless, even if they don't I am pretty sure if u buy this as soon as it is released the price will be very high compared to if u waited until your distributor gets it in.
Well I would rather it look good from front on then only look good on angles. That is one thing that pissed me off with the EB Joker, it looks like the crow because of the skinny face from front on and with the head tilted down too much it looks ugly IMO because of that big chin. :gah:

However, on most other angles it is pretty much dead on Ledger.

Its like others have said on here who cares what the back of the head looks like as most people want to display him from front on. :huh

It's not a two dimensional item though. My figures are visible from multiple angles.
It's not a two dimensional item though. My figures are visible from multiple angles.

Not sure why the back of the cowl not being round enough is that big of a deal. I mean other then you, who would really notice something like that? I bet just about anyone that came over your house and seen the figure would say " wow that bad ***". Not " hey thats great, but the back of dudes head is not round enough". :dunno
Not sure why the back of the cowl not being round enough is that big of a deal. I mean other then you, who would really notice something like that? I bet just about anyone that came over your house and seen the figure would say " wow that bad ***". Not " hey thats great, but the back of dudes head is not round enough". :dunno

hahahahahahahahaha :clap:clap:clap
Does the EB JOker have a big chin when the head's tilted down?I thought it only shows when the head is looking straight?^_^
Bit off subject guys but does anyone know where i can get a 1/6 Bane sculpt? Before you say eBay iv already looked and thers 1 for like $90 shopped which is complete bull****. So any info is welcome :)
Not sure why the back of the cowl not being round enough is that big of a deal. I mean other then you, who would really notice something like that? I bet just about anyone that came over your house and seen the figure would say " wow that bad ***". Not " hey thats great, but the back of dudes head is not round enough". :dunno

I don't collect for others. Frankly, none of my friends have a 'hey that's badass' reaction to any of my figures, so all that matters is that it's badass to me.

Regarding the DX12 cowl, yes it can look badass from a frontal view:


But take a couple steps to the right and all I see is this:


It was like a constant thorn in my side, which is why I bought a custom cowl.

I really don't want to be in the same boat with the 1/4 scale.
Hey Mags, how come you're not using you're MRM cowl?
I'm really pleasantly surprised by Zach's cowl.
It made me really love the dx12.

The dx12 stock cowl bugged me as well, it was undersized, and yeah, it's only good on certain angle, and can look way off once you move.
Mrm's cowl is great. It makes my dx12 perfect in my eyes.

Mags, I see what you mean about the back of the cowl on this, but it's nowhere near as bad as the DX12, wouldnt you agree?
Hey Mags, how come you're not using you're MRM cowl?
I'm really pleasantly surprised by Zach's cowl.
It made me really love the dx12.

The short answer, is I got burned out by the DX12 and both of mine are in parts in a shoebox.

The longer, more specific, answer is that one ear is longer than the other and the hole for the neck is way too shallow on MRM's cowl. I've done a lot of dremeling on the inside of the neck hole and it's getting better, but more needs to be done. The ear is what really bothers me. I need to file the tip of one down a bit, but am terrified of screwing it up. If I ever do, then I have to find a painter...

Just kind of sick of moding, moding, moding.

Mrm's cowl is great. It makes my dx12 perfect in my eyes.

Mags, I see what you mean about the back of the cowl on this, but it's nowhere near as bad as the DX12, wouldnt you agree?

Wont be sure until I have it in-hand.
I don't collect for others.Frankly, none of my friends have a 'hey that's badass' reaction to any of my figures,so all that matters is that it's badass to me.

Regarding the DX12 cowl, yes it can look badass from a frontal view:


But take a couple steps to the right and all I see is this:


It was like a constant thorn in my side, which is why I bought a custom cowl.

I really don't want to be in the same boat with the 1/4 scale.

Well they should because your dx12 looks badass. :wink1:
man i can not wait to get this. it's gonna look so boss when placed next to the enterbay 1/4 bats.

Deciding if I should take the plunge with EB 1/4 batman. Just bought batman begins blu-ray yesterday, got me thinking to get one. Fingers crossed for the QS001 soon!!
Little off topic, new rumor that Christian Bale might have no choice but to come back in the Man of Steel sequel and Justice League movies. He is being offered 50 million I hear for 1 film and another 50 or more for Justice League.
I like BBTS a little better then SS because you don't need to put any money down. So your all set if you decide to back out.