Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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You guys are crazy. Whats wrong with the face plates now?


Come on man, I quoted you not Maglor.
He only said HT doesn't seem to get the face plates right.
Why he doesn't like them he didn't say.
He also quoted YOU.
The whole thing about the fit and the HT cowl looking like different pieces was all you.
I own both the EB and HT figures and I strongly disagree.
As a matter of fact I think the EB plates seat a little too deep in the cowls though it's nothing distracting.
The EB cowls are overall more accurate to Batman Begins than the HT cowl to TDK but the HT cowl has a finer finish and looks more life like in closeups (you can spot the painted eyes on the EB cowls when you get close and the cowl casting and painting aren't as good as HT's).
In the end these are both terrific figures; simply put EB has better Bat-cowls and HT gets everything else better with more options (EB also has a better cape).

Look at the picture in the first quote above. It's a great likeness, but you can see along the top edge that the face plate is a separate piece. That top edge catches the light, giving away the fact that it's just a piece of plastic stuck on the cowl. The chin also hangs down below the bottom edge of the cowl. It literally fits together like a jigsaw puzzle, which is fine - but shouldn't be noticeable to the naked eye like that.

Also, that open mouth faceplate on mine falls out if I barely touch the head. It's probably fallen out 40 or 50 times.

I completely agree and what really puzzles me is that it's not as if there is better out there by any company (not including costumisers) right now.

I feel all these complaints would be more valid if there was a better 1:4 Scale DKR Batman but there's nothing to compare these too.

Of course we should respect well worded opinion but it's hard to sometimes when you think them completey over the top.

Nothing to compare it to?

What about Enterbay? With the exception of some QC paint issues on some figures, the cowls for that figure are absolute perfection.

In the context of this discussion, the faceplates on the Enterbay figure are 100% undetectable, and are a perfect fit, on top of being the best Bale likeness to date on a mass produced figure.

So complaints about HT head sculpt are valid.

That said, I would not have mentioned the face plates on this figure if Darkavatar had not made the jigsaw puzzle comment. I hope to be able to mod the faceplates so they at least don't fall out.
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Look at the picture in the first quote above. It's a great likeness, but you can see along the top edge that the face plate is a separate piece. It literally fits together like a jigsaw puzzle, which is fine - but shouldn't be noticeable to the naked eye like that.

Also, that open mouth faceplate on mine falls out if I barely touch the head. It's probably fallen out 40 or 50 times.

Nothing to compare it to?

What about Enterbay? With the exception of some QC paint issues, the cowls for that figure are absolute perfection.

In the context of this discussion, the faceplates on the Enterbay figure are 100% undetectable, and are a perfect fit, on top of being the best Bale likeness to date on a mass produced figure.

So complaints about HT head sculpt are valid.


However, in Eamon's defense, I think he means there is no other TDK suit 1/4 scale figure to compare it to. Thus, apart from customs this is the only figure we can get.

That said, I would not have mentioned the face plates on this figure if Darkavatar had not mentioned them. I hope to be able to mod the faceplates so they at least don't fall out.

Well I didn't mention them I just said the cowl looks like a jigsaw puzzle put together because of the PERS or ERS and you said it was just not that it was ill fitting face plates to. Remember?
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However, in Eamon's defense, I think he means there is no other TDK suit 1/4 scale figure to compare it to. Thus, apart from customs this is the only figure we can get.

True, but Enterbay proved that faceplates can be done without looking like separate pieces.

Well I didn't mention them I just said the cowl looks like a jigsaw puzzle put together because of the PERS or ERS and you said it was just not that it was ill fitting face plates to. Remember?

I was still in editing mode when you quoted me. Read my post again. ;)
Regarding Batman fans being more picky:

I've only ever really been picky about Batman himself. I've never gotten worked up about things like the lining on the Joker's coat being the wrong shade.

But batman is unique. There is something about his costume that creates all sorts of problems. QC problems. Sculpting problems. Proportional problems. The only character I can think of that really compares is Ironman, but he's so metallic that you can forget it's a guy in a suit. With Batman, it's a guy in a suit with his face exposed. Suddenly, you start to see all kinds of areas that look "off", alien, in-human, of just downright ugly. (I do anyway.)

With characters in fabric clothes, proportional issues can usually be fixed with careful futzing, but there is very little futzing you can do with batman in any of his suits. So you are left with modding.

It's a frustrating character to collect.
This thread has become.....odd.
QS001 is spectacular...everything a Nolan (ahem) Batman fan could want.
Look at the picture in the first quote above. It's a great likeness, but you can see along the top edge that the face plate is a separate piece. That top edge catches the light, giving away the fact that it's just a piece of plastic stuck on the cowl. The chin also hangs down below the bottom edge of the cowl. It literally fits together like a jigsaw puzzle, which is fine - but shouldn't be noticeable to the naked eye like that.

Also, that open mouth faceplate on mine falls out if I barely touch the head. It's probably fallen out 40 or 50 times.

In the picture you mention the face plate was probably not inserted all the way in.
The top edge on mine looks just fine.



The chin hanging a bit below the bottom is actually not wrong though slightly exaggerated by Hot Toys.
It looks like they had different cowls for Bale (in all 3 movies) depending on whether or not there is a closeup shot or he needs to make a speech.
On some pictures the cowls look extremely tight on the face with chin hanging a bit, on others it looks looser around the face.
Of course, open or close mouth would also have an effect on this.
some random examples:




No face plate is falling off my QS001 so it's a QC issue with yours.
I did have the same problem with one of the DX12 plates, using a tiny bit of Blu Tak works perfectly to correct this.
awesome pics guys, keep em coming! he looks Bale to me!! cant wait to get this in few days :)
In the picture you mention the face plate was probably not inserted all the way in.
The top edge on mine looks just fine.

The chin on the figure is ridiculous. It shouldn't hang down below the cowl at all.



They just don't fit right.
Regarding Batman fans being more picky:

I've only ever really been picky about Batman himself. I've never gotten worked up about things like the lining on the Joker's coat being the wrong shade.

But batman is unique. There is something about his costume that creates all sorts of problems. QC problems. Sculpting problems. Proportional problems. The only character I can think of that really compares is Ironman, but he's so metallic that you can forget it's a guy in a suit. With Batman, it's a guy in a suit with his face exposed. Suddenly, you start to see all kinds of areas that look "off", alien, in-human, of just downright ugly. (I do anyway.)

With characters in fabric clothes, proportional issues can usually be fixed with careful futzing, but there is very little futzing you can do with batman in any of his suits. So you are left with modding.

It's a frustrating character to collect.

He's not unique though. I posted those shots of DX10 T-800 which show that after so many attempts they still don't get him right either with that bizarre neck, terrible ball-joint connection and gorilla cranium. And you could probably point to flaws on all sorts of other figures/characters that we just don't give a **** about so we don't notice the issues. Batman isn't the only character that they never nail 100%.
I do have to say that the ball snuggler is kind of a pain in the ***. Makes posing the figure on the stand annoying after a about 35 mins i finally got a decent stance on the bat.
They just don't fit right.

Yes they do, if Bale opens his mouth the chin will drop over the edge of the cowl, it's natural.
HT did exaggerate the hanging chin but it's there, I've already explained this above.
At least you see that the top edge is not a problem.

BTW here's how my neutral EB face plate fits, I see a reverse exaggeration:


Compare it to this pic I already posted:

Yes they do, if Bale opens his mouth the chin will drop over the edge of the cowl, it's natural.
HT did exaggerate the hanging chin but it's there, I've already explained this above.
At least you see that the top edge is not a problem.

BTW here's how my neutral EB face plate fits, I see a reverse exaggeration:


Compare it to this pic I already posted:


I dont think its reverse exaggeration on Enterbays.
The pic you posted is not the same cause the angle is different. it almost like you're not eye level and pointing the camera slightly up.
The movie image has him looking down.
Here's a pic like the actual movie image, with both looking down.

Remy, even when taking the angle difference into account surely you can see that my EB cowl protrudes a lot more below the chin than on the real thing.
Yours does as well, but not as much as mine, QC issue?
Remy, even when taking the angle difference into account surely you can see that my EB cowl protrudes a lot more below the chin than on the real thing.
Yours does as well, but not as much as mine, QC issue?

Maybe yours is just not pushed in properly?
As Maglor has pointed out, the mouthpiece-to-cowl on EB is seamless,
And to me when he is looking down, its very much identical to the movie pic.
The thing with EB's faceplates is the edges have a slight curve to them that makes it look like there's a face under there being compressed by the mask around the edges. HT's has a very visible gap or seam between the top edges of the faceplates that, if you look for it, gives away that the mouth is removable. It looks like two pieces. EB's doesn't. In fact, when I first got my EB Bats, I didn't think they were removable because they look like they're actually part of the sculpt.

It's not unique to the QS001 though, as the issue has been there since their DX02 effort.
One of the problems with such discussions is that it is difficult to find hi-res closeups of the real thing at various specific angles.
I'm not putting the EB cowls down here, they're great and by far the best thing about the figure.
I think however that the "ill fitting" HT face plates theory is ridiculous.
Everyone will decide on their own.
To be fair, I've spent almost as much time as Maglor dissecting the DX12 cowl and faceplates, so the little stuff like the small gaps just jumps right out with me because they were the same on the small figure. It would almost be a non-issue to someone who hasn't spent entire days focused on fixing the smallest of problems with the previous cowls.

And I think the QS001 cowl looks pretty damn fantastic. I just can't afford the damn thing so I'm looking at the pictures. I miss the days of disposable income.