Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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HT's has a very visible gap or seam between the top edges of the faceplates that, if you look for it, gives away that the mouth is removable. It looks like two pieces.

Have you read the preceding posts or just Maglor's comments?
I posted pictures clearly debunking the "top edge gap" theory.
I repeat, there is zero gap at the top of any of my HT face plates.
Please show me pictures of this gap on your figure.
To be fair, I've spent almost as much time as Maglor dissecting the DX12 cowl and faceplates, so the little stuff like the small gaps just jumps right out with me because they were the same on the small figure. It would almost be a non-issue to someone who hasn't spent entire days focused on fixing the smallest of problems with the previous cowls.

Oh I see, I cannot spot the top edge gap because I have not spent enough time looking at my DX12 and QS001.
Maybe you prefer pictures.
Show me the top edge gap:



Between the nose and the skin, there's a gap. It should fit tightly against the cowl or else the illusion is broken.


Top left corner, there's a gap. It should look as if the skin is compressed against the cowl, or else the illusion is broken.

Like I said, it's miniscule, but it's there. It's a non-issue to all but those who are actively looking for it, which is probably 4-5 out of the multitudes of people that have it.

And what did I say in my last post? I don't have the figure. I'm looking at pictures of it because I just can't spend the massive amount of cash it's going for right now. That doesn't mean that I can't identify the same issue that the DX12 had, though they've improved upon that release.

All I'm saying is that HT hasn't quite perfected it yet. That's it. I'm not bashing the figure, so stop acting like I am. Besides, if you're happy with it, what does it matter?
Yes, it's nitpicky as hell. I'm not criticizing the figure at all, I'm just pointing out that Maglor has a valid point. It's something that HT hasn't fixed from their 1/6 releases. Hell, just sand the faceplates down and shove them farther into the face and the problem is gone.
"... the illusion is broken." Are you kidding?
You find this comparable to the DX12 where the gap catches the light and can be seen from a distance. :cuckoo:
This one isn't even visible unless you take a an extreme closeup picture as I did and of course it's not there on the other picture.
I'm also guessing you don't have the EB figure since the same thing can be seen under the nose.
This is beyond ridiculous, I give up, people here have enough stuff to chew on.
You guessed wrong. I have the EB figure. Have for over a year.

You can take what I'm saying the wrong way and get defensive about it, which you are, or you can actually read what I'm saying and see where I admit it's a non-issue to all but the most nitpicky people in the group. The faceplates don't bother me, HT's insistence on not simply sanding them down to fit properly is what bothers me.
I dont have the figure as well, and as much as its shortcoming, I do agree that all they are are just nitpicks.
Bottomline, overall, I think the 1/4 HT is a damn fine piece.
I can see how the nitpicking of this figure can get frustrating to some. It was starting to get to me too. Untill I said screw it. Not gonna let it bother me. I'm very happy with how the figure looks on my shelf. IMO it blows the dx12 away. Sure there are a couple things I could fix or mod. But they don't bother me enough to start ripping the figure apart. I did think about it for a few then changed my mind. The only mod I will probably do is the glove mod. But overall I really enjoy this figure. Its definitely my grail piece right now.
Personally,I like the HT Bats but the face plates on it have to be set in deeper!I would go on and on about how inaccurately they sit but I think crOw and Maglor have said all there is to say!That's all I have to say about that!^_^
To those that nitpick, do you find it ruins the hobby for you? I ask that with non-judgmental curiosity :)

This is escapism for me. If I were to nitpick as much as some of you, the hobby would lose it's fun and start to feel like my everyday seriousness of real life lol.
Yes, it's nitpicky as hell. I'm not criticizing the figure at all, I'm just pointing out that Maglor has a valid point. It's something that HT hasn't fixed from their 1/6 releases. Hell, just sand the faceplates down and shove them farther into the face and the problem is gone.

I’m actually calling everyone else out, I haven’t seen many sexy poses that I can try to steal. More pics people!!
To those that nitpick, do you find it ruins the hobby for you? I ask that with non-judgmental curiosity :)

This is escapism for me. If I were to nitpick as much as some of you, the hobby would lose it's fun and start to feel like my everyday seriousness of real life lol.

:exactly: I love going into my room and seeing these figures in my detolf in beautiful poses.
Oh I see, I cannot spot the top edge gap because I have not spent enough time looking at my DX12 and QS001.
Maybe you prefer pictures.
Show me the top edge gap:


Seeing it on it's own, that is a gorgeous piece.
To those that nitpick, do you find it ruins the hobby for you? I ask that with non-judgmental curiosity :)

This is escapism for me. If I were to nitpick as much as some of you, the hobby would lose it's fun and start to feel like my everyday seriousness of real life lol.

Honestly I generally don't nitpick. I'm happy with just about everything, and if I have a problem with something I generally fix it if I can and shut up about it.

I'm not so much annoyed by the faceplates as I am, like I said earlier, annoyed that HT hasn't figured out to make them fit deeper into the cowl yet. It's such a simple fix that people shouldn't have to do themselves. Same thing with their insistence on using horrible material for their capes.
You shouldn't get so bothered by someone making observations based on the pictures you've posted since you posted those pictures for the express intent of people commenting on them. If you don't want people commenting on them, neither post them nor take part in the thread, because inevitably someone's going to say something you don't like. If you're happy with the figure, that's all that matters. I'll continue posting what I want to post based on the pictures shared, because that's what this discussion is for. If you want a protected thread where no one is allowed to offer dissenting opinions, there are plenty of those over at He-man .org.
You shouldn't make big pronouncements without actually having the figure in hand.

No offense but this is a public forum, as long as people are posting in an intelligent manner and not trolling, what is wrong with that?
So just because people don't have this in hand, they dont have a right to make comments?

This is getting a lot of attention because this is new IT figure at the moment for batman collectibles.
If you think this is bad, go back re-reading the dx12.
Compared to the dx12, the 1/4 is peachy...just nitpicks. :peace
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He's not unique though. I posted those shots of DX10 T-800 which show that after so many attempts they still don't get him right either with that bizarre neck, terrible ball-joint connection and gorilla cranium. And you could probably point to flaws on all sorts of other figures/characters that we just don't give a **** about so we don't notice the issues. Batman isn't the only character that they never nail 100%.

I see your point. I'm just saying the nature of Batman's costume is unique, and lends itself to unique problems.

Maybe yours is just not pushed in properly?
As Maglor has pointed out, the mouthpiece-to-cowl on EB is seamless,
And to me when he is looking down, its very much identical to the movie pic.

Yup. Enterbay looks like a face in a cowl. HT looks like a faceplate on a cowl.

The thing with EB's faceplates is the edges have a slight curve to them that makes it look like there's a face under there being compressed by the mask around the edges. HT's has a very visible gap or seam between the top edges of the faceplates that, if you look for it, gives away that the mouth is removable. It looks like two pieces. EB's doesn't. In fact, when I first got my EB Bats, I didn't think they were removable because they look like they're actually part of the sculpt.

It's not unique to the QS001 though, as the issue has been there since their DX02 effort.

Agreed on all counts.

One of the problems with such discussions is that it is difficult to find hi-res closeups of the real thing at various specific angles.
I'm not putting the EB cowls down here, they're great and by far the best thing about the figure.
I think however that the "ill fitting" HT face plates theory is ridiculous.
Everyone will decide on their own.

Theory? Ridiculous?

I'm getting angry, so it's best I leave the conversation alone. I'll just say, I own both QS figures and one of them has objectively better fitting face plates.

To those that nitpick, do you find it ruins the hobby for you? I ask that with non-judgmental curiosity :)

This is escapism for me. If I were to nitpick as much as some of you, the hobby would lose it's fun and start to feel like my everyday seriousness of real life lol.

It's all part of the hobby, and thus part of the escapism. We all collect with a different style. :peace