I got my Stealth figure yesterday, and given that I had a Midas when it came out, the whole experience felt a bit surreal. I knew it was a new figure, but it felt so oddly familiar taking it out of the package. Anyways, it definitely looks fantastic in person, especially the matte black pieces. And the faceplate looks so much better with the smaller eyes (and dark paint scheme). Like many other people have mentioned, this really needs the right lighting to look good. It's great under cooler/bluer lights, but with a soft white incandescent, it looks dull and flat.
While fiddling with it, I started to remember some of the things that bothered me about the Midas, but the paint job here looks much nicer than the gold on the Midas (which did look pretty fantastic, to be fair). Right now, I'm quite glad I ordered it, and part of me is actually pretty happy having it as my only Iron Man figure. The only thing that bothers me is that the color palette of my figure collection is almost entirely black, grey, or brown (Cap's red, white, and blue stands out); so I might want to pick up a red/gold armor at some point, but I'm content right now.