Freaked Out
Had my stealth sitting in his shipper unopened, but I got nervous and had to be sure all was well.... So of course now he's on display. Lol so much for mint unopened in box future sales....
Question for all you smart peoples. I am looking to sell my stealth VII, but am unable to create a post in the sale/trade forum. If someone could enlighten me as to how this is done, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Got this guy in along with my first Cap, I must be honest, first time I've been disappointed in the quality of a HT figure, he feels fragile as hell, the arms are almost unposable and everything I move him something comes appart, specially that faceplate, visually he is stunning, fun factor = 0 tho..
I felt the exact same way when i got mine. Glad it's not just me that feels this way. Still not sorry i got it because i do love the look but i am disappointed in the quality of it.
I don't have this one yet but is it not just a repaint of the standard MK VII?
Got this guy in along with my first Cap, I must be honest, first time I've been disappointed in the quality of a HT figure, he feels fragile as hell, the arms are almost unposable and everything I move him something comes appart, specially that faceplate, visually he is stunning, fun factor = 0 tho...
Fantastic photoGot this guy in along with my first Cap, I must be honest, first time I've been disappointed in the quality of a HT figure, he feels fragile as hell, the arms are almost unposable and everything I move him something comes appart, specially that faceplate, visually he is stunning, fun factor = 0 tho...
I have a conspiracy theory on this armor, which may be obvious to most. With so many QC issues, I'm pretty sure that this armor is nothing more than leftover, returned original mark VII armors with QC issues, well, not all have QC issues, but most, and we already know it's definitely not new tooling!. It is real genius on Hot Toys part to say, "Let's put a bad*** paint job on it and send it right back out for the same price or more." A lot of us, including myself...bought it! In the end, it's all about profit!![]()
I have a conspiracy theory on this armor, which may be obvious to most. With so many QC issues, I'm pretty sure that this armor is nothing more than leftover, returned original mark VII armors with QC issues, well, not all have QC issues, but most, and we already know it's definitely not new tooling!. It is real genius on Hot Toys part to say, "Let's put a bad*** paint job on it and send it right back out for the same price or more." A lot of us, including myself...bought it! In the end, it's all about profit!![]()