Invictus Sol
No Life in the Void
I dunno, guess I must be alone on this but the more I see it, the less impressed I am. I was expecting something more from the paint and have to say I'm sick to death of Mark VII. Glad I cancelled my pre-order.
I dunno, guess I must be alone on this but the more I see it, the less impressed I am. I was expecting something more from the paint and have to say I'm sick to death of Mark VII. Glad I cancelled my pre-order.
I get what you're saying, those Promo Pics were Ultra SLICK!! But I bet Some Lucky Sonavagun is glad you canceled too!
You can practically see him jumping around the place
I dunno, guess I must be alone on this but the more I see it, the less impressed I am. I was expecting something more from the paint and have to say I'm sick to death of Mark VII. Glad I cancelled my pre-order.
If it were a more critical figure to me, I would've, but in all honesty I pre-ordered mostly due to the HT fever I sometimes get when these figures go up (especially when you know they are going fast and will be limited). Once I took some time to really think about it, I realized my collection has no need of this figure. It's the very definition of superfluous and really more appropriate for someone with a big Iron Man focus, where variants like this will have some interest, IMO.If I were you I would have sold it once you didn't like it in person
Yep, that's my feeling, too. I'm basically too lazy to flip, even on a sure thing like this.yeah u should of sold it! but you did the right thing by canceling it so someone else that love it can get it.
When did yours convert & when did u get on the WL?
This thing looks amazing. Thanks for the video link. New english review. New english review.
Uuuuuh Yeah, this figure is Sick! In person, in-hand and shelved up with the Arc Reactor and Eye slit mods and this will look like what would happen if A Stealth Bomber, The Grim Reaper and a Ninja had a baby... Ummm Err something like that.