Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises: Bat-Pod Specs & Pics

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I have a great guy here on the forums i deal with.
I'd much rather build my own vehicles than buy prebuilt ones!

Me too...........apart from the fact that i wouldn't be able to make anything close to this if my life depended on it! ;-)
It's not as hard as people would have you believe.
I am for sure going to make The Bat.
Angluar stuff is easier than organic shapes.
And my Bat will be kick ass.

The most difficult bit I can see in this is making all the pieces proportional to each other.
But there's luxury tax and those corrupt scums at the customs office always ask for additional "handling" fee. Not to mention what they'd do to the box (my Joker v1 box came with the top lid complety ripped, OC Batman came with the back ripped, the list goes on) which is why I have to rely on my go-to guy because he has "contacts" within said office.

International buyers have the same problems on collecting. I already bought the POD, but I live in Uruguay, so I will have to pay 60-70% of the cost only on the customs office.
Imagine the TUMBLER or THE BAT. You do the maths...
And of course prey for a healthy box. Few years ago, I bought the Batman Begins in Flight statue, and when the box arrived, my jaw felt to the floor... yes, just like that :eek
Imagine throwing a fridge over the top corner of the box. Just like that.

Hey, Uruguay is a great place to live, but due to my hobby, some times I think I wasn't born in the right place.

I hope that we can live this hobby more easilly in the near future.
This hobby rocks! and Batman too of course.
I was about to PO yesterday at my fav lcs
then they told me they ran out of slots soon after the movie hit the theaters :horror

Gotta go out today and look for other shops :monkey2
Having seen the movie and the Bat Pod in action a little bit more, I'm starting to consider purchasing this. I don't normally do vehicles, but I may end up breaking that rule.
This will be my first HT vehicle as well! Never even considered buying this at it's first release, it was only whe Selina came along that this became a must have for me!
International buyers have the same problems on collecting. I already bought the POD, but I live in Uruguay, so I will have to pay 60-70% of the cost only on the customs office.
Imagine the TUMBLER or THE BAT. You do the maths...
And of course prey for a healthy box. Few years ago, I bought the Batman Begins in Flight statue, and when the box arrived, my jaw felt to the floor... yes, just like that :eek
Imagine throwing a fridge over the top corner of the box. Just like that.

Hey, Uruguay is a great place to live, but due to my hobby, some times I think I wasn't born in the right place.

I hope that we can live this hobby more easilly in the near future.
This hobby rocks! and Batman too of course.

Well, let's face it. So long as the box says "toys". They wouldn't care how much we spend on it.