Hot Toys The Dark Knight Rises: Bat-Pod Specs & Pics

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Where are you looking for it too be that pricey its going for around 215-230 here in the uk from OS, modelzone Collectiblesdirect etc. i pre-ordered mine for £218

Where did you get it for £218? I searched all the UK sites and the cheapest one I found was £225
Pre ordered mine from forbidden planet and i have secured it for the cost of £205 including shipping.
When i pre ordered bane it was 165, just checked again and it's 155 so i canceled and re ordered it for the low price. They pretty much keep changing their prices so watch their website carefully. Also as they don't charge your card till closer to release it is no problem to order/cancel/re order over and over again. I have more cancellations on my fp account than purchases!
Why do we get so badly screwed in the UK?
I can't stand it! :banghead:
Where are you looking for it to be that pricey its going for around 215-230 here in the uk from OS, modelzone Collectiblesdirect etc. i pre-ordered mine for £218

I think they are just being *less greeedy* right now with the economy as it is.
But the suggested retail is £280(I know you can get it cheaper than that, but i was talking about SRP).
Pre ordered mine from forbidden planet and i have secured it for the cost of £205 including shipping.
When i pre ordered bane it was 165, just checked again and it's 155 so i canceled and re ordered it for the low price. They pretty much keep changing their prices so watch their website carefully. Also as they don't charge your card till closer to release it is no problem to order/cancel/re order over and over again. I have more cancellations on my fp account than purchases!
Why do we get so badly screwed in the UK?
I can't stand it! :banghead:

Dot com, or dot co dot uk?
Pre ordered mine from forbidden planet and i have secured it for the cost of £205 including shipping.
When i pre ordered bane it was 165, just checked again and it's 155 so i canceled and re ordered it for the low price. They pretty much keep changing their prices so watch their website carefully. Also as they don't charge your card till closer to release it is no problem to order/cancel/re order over and over again. I have more cancellations on my fp account than purchases!
Why do we get so badly screwed in the UK?
I can't stand it! :banghead:

Hmm, last time I checked forbidden planet had the highest prices for Hot Toys, strange :/

Wait so they dont charge you whatever price is the lowest?

I really need the cancelling option cos I never know how I will be with the money when the time comes. Over to FP to re-check their stuff :D
Hmm, last time I checked forbidden planet had the highest prices for Hot Toys, strange :/

Wait so they dont charge you whatever price is the lowest?

I really need the cancelling option cos I never know how I will be with the money when the time comes. Over to FP to re-check their stuff :D

They will not charge you the lowest price, they will charge you whatever price you have pre ordered it for at that specific point in time.
I know as originally i was going to pay 225 and saw it at 200 on the website. Logged in to my account to check if my total was updated but no dice. If I didn't check i would have been screwed over. Canceled it and re ordered straight away for the cheapest price.
Just checked FP .com

they have the pod for £219 without shipping :/

Stick with whoever you already ordered from then, lol.

Jumping jeebus!! I thought moving to the UK would make my life better... apparently not as far as my collecting hobby is concerned.


It's actually a good place to live in my opinion.
There may be better places, but the healthcare does it for me.
Having to source my toys abroad just makes it more fun waiting for them to arrive...
Stick with whoever you already ordered from then, lol.

Ahha I wasnt going to cancel my PO of the pod, im just trying to find the cheapest place to buy the Bat (once its released) and other future figures from in the future.

Still dont get how the guy got it for £205, it says £219 :gah:

It's actually a good place to live in my opinion.
There may be better places, but the healthcare does it for me.
Having to source my toys abroad just makes it more fun waiting for them to arrive...

Yeah it really is, I moved here 5 years ago and its nice.The only downside are the prices for everything
It's actually a good place to live in my opinion.
There may be better places, but the healthcare does it for me.
Having to source my toys abroad just makes it more fun waiting for them to arrive...

Hmm.. better healtcare, less racism, you can be open about your religious belief/non-belief, better society, better law in general... Yeah, I can see the appeal. If you know of a way for me to move there legally, could you drop me a PM, please? Thanks a million.

One upside of living in Indonesia is (which to me is negative by all accounts) that you can get rich easily by bending the law. And collectibles in this country is on the cheap side compared to other parts of the world. Oh and if you're white, you get respect automatically, can't be bothered to explain why though.

Anyway... I missed the PO for batpod :slap My go-to guy for Hot Toys products forgot to tell me. :gah:
Hmm.. better healtcare, less racism, you can be open about your religious belief/non-belief, better society, better law in general... Yeah, I can see the appeal. If you know of a way for me to move there legally, could you drop me a PM, please? Thanks a million.

One upside of living in Indonesia is (which to me is negative by all accounts) that you can get rich easily by bending the law. And collectibles in this country is on the cheap side compared to other parts of the world. Oh and if you're white, you get respect automatically, can't be bothered to explain why though.

Anyway... I missed the PO for batpod :slap My go-to guy for Hot Toys products forgot to tell me. :gah:

You do have much better weather and diving though! Both England and Bali are two of my favorite places to visit but for entirely different reasons.

Only thing worse than importing stuff into the UK is Exporting it. I can't afford any of the camera products out of the UK even though they are fantastic and better than most US stuff. The exchange rate plus fees doubles the price every time.

But anyways...the Bat-Pod man. :panic:
Order one from Ebay, it will probably be more expensive than your average price but still not too bad :)

But there's luxury tax and those corrupt scums at the customs office always ask for additional "handling" fee. Not to mention what they'd do to the box (my Joker v1 box came with the top lid complety ripped, OC Batman came with the back ripped, the list goes on) which is why I have to rely on my go-to guy because he has "contacts" within said office.

Oh well...

You do have much better weather and diving though!

Yeah, like a decade ago maybe. These days the weather is very much out of control thanks to the carbon emission and illegal logging. I love diving and snorkeling but lately the corals have died because people keep standing on them. It won't be long before Raja Ampat becomes another Bali (rubbish everywhere, dead corals, less variety of marine life, etc.).
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I still dont get it, if they did change the price to £205 then surely thats what it should show on the website? Or do you mean that now they changed it back up? :dunno

I should have been more clear. When it was first up for po it was 225, then it dropped to 205, now it is 219. Just keep checking the website. You might get lucky.