Hot Toys - The Dark Knight

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I think anytime Hot Toys announces that they intend to release numerous figures that they are including variations and exclusive releases.
So how many Batman variations is there gonna be? Will he be like the Wolf Predator or more like Superman I wonder... I was waiting for this figure for the longest time but now I'm thinking, do I hold off and get the Bruce Wayne headed super special second release Batman that comes with additional accesories or do I get the first edition in case a super special edition never comes? Grrr.... damn you HOT TOYS!!!!

We don't know if there are multiple suits in the film - the BB suit and the TDK one. If there are, they could do a figure of each suit and then release one that's interchangeable to either suit. I can also see them releasing Bats and then a Bruce/Bats combo later. Harvey the same way - release a Two-Face and then later release a pre-op Harvey/Two-Face. HT has proven to be diabolical - we have to anticipate whatever mad scheme they might conceive.
there ARE multiple suits in the film, he'll be wearing the suit from the first in the film for a bit.

the Takara boots are not accurate. can't wait to see the figs.
Well, images and the trailers have indicated the Begins suit is in this movie in a brief glimpse and it's the one shot of him coming down on the car. The majority of footage has him in the new suit, so with room for editing and such, and not knowing the story, we can't say for sure the Begins suit will be in the final cut until we see the movie.
The Joker, I'll bite as soon as I can. Have the Hot Toys and Takara Bats, so the first suit doesn't come into the equation for me. Not liking the new suit, but I didn't like Supermans new suit either, but it grew on me. So I'll wait for the 2in1 Bats there. To sum it up Joker and the 2in1 for me. I think I have spent enough money, and have to budget for all the Ironmen, Barbosa, and on it goes.
HT has proven to be diabolical - we have to anticipate whatever mad scheme they might conceive.

Ain't that the truth, people ^^^^^ too much about some of Sideshow's character choices and such, but aren't vocal enough about the bull^^^^ practices HT engages in.
Not liking the new suit

Me neither, but if HT takes artistic liberty with the suit a bit, could be an amazing figure. The combination of mesh and armor on the real suit probably won't be translated by HT, they'll probably just mold the mesh and armor as one, like the ALIEN space suits, so that could improve the look already.
Ain't that the truth, people ^^^^^ too much about some of Sideshow's character choices and such, but aren't vocal enough about the bull^^^^ practices HT engages in.

Geez, get over it. They've re-released only 2 Predators thus far, the BD Pred 2 and Wolf. I don't hear anyone complaining about the Cannibal Jack release either. Has HT done any wrong here? I don't get it. It's not like this kind of thing is limited to the world of high end pop culture collectibles either, and who's complaining?

Anyway, I've accepted the new suit. It's not ugly, it's not pretty, it's functional. That's it. No more to it.
Ain't that the truth, people ^^^^^ too much about some of Sideshow's character choices and such, but aren't vocal enough about the bull^^^^ practices HT engages in.

Only because Sideshow has an open ear. So the squeakiest wheel mentality prevails. Hot Toys doesn't have any avenues for consumers. Even their contact avenue has had slack results, as far as reply. They do have an inkling of interest, because they stipulated the best email address to use for suggestions and such, recently, but that, to me, is only from the viewpoint of expediency from consumer to trash can. Leaving their other email address for more concerning business.
I don't hear anyone complaining about the Cannibal Jack release either. Has HT done any wrong here? I don't get it. It's not like this kind of thing is limited to the world of high end pop culture collectibles either, and who's complaining?

Anyway, I've accepted the new suit. It's not ugly, it's not pretty, it's functional. That's it. No more to it.
You must have missed or glossed over, no blinkered yourself to the complaints of Cannibal Jack.:lol Why forget Robocop or Superman. :monkey2

I agree about the suit. It seems that Hollywood must control every aspect of the character.There are no sacred cows. It's useless barking over it like we do. I'm putting it behind me. I hope I can do it. The sooner the better.
Well, images and the trailers have indicated the Begins suit is in this movie in a brief glimpse and it's the one shot of him coming down on the car. The majority of footage has him in the new suit, so with room for editing and such, and not knowing the story, we can't say for sure the Begins suit will be in the final cut until we see the movie.
it won't be just a brief glimpse. the Begins suit IS in the movie, it's already been confirmed.
I was actually being facetious with the diabolical quote - but I am struggling to figure out what to do with my first Superman when the 2 in 1 is better in every way. However I loved the first one when it came out. So would I be willing to wait a year for what might be a better figure?

Do I spray paint my first Supes suit silver? Will I regret that when HT eventually releases the travel suit?

But I'm probably the only one that has 4 BB Bats - DC, HT, Medi, Tak - so I'm a sucker no matter what way you look at it.

I was actually being facetious with the diabolical quote - but I am struggling to figure out what to do with my first Superman when the 2 in 1 is better in every way. However I loved the first one when it came out. So would I be willing to wait a year for what might be a better figure?

Do I spray paint my first Supes suit silver? Will I regret that when HT eventually releases the travel suit?

But I'm probably the only one that has 4 BB Bats - DC, HT, Medi, Tak - so I'm a sucker no matter what way you look at it.


Dave, be completist on that line..Keep the first Supe as a great Memorabilia piece.Thats what I would do.
Does not having the Medicom Bats make me less of a sucker? No matter how diabolical Hot Toys is, you can't deny that they play the game their way. Pre-order or pay the rising price.

Yes. What to do about the first Superman. I'm having the same problem, but it's worse being downunder. Small to no market, and high shipping costs to other markets. Still, the first Supes has a CoA. Woot. :lol
Just a note on the new batsuit - I don't know if it's been mentioned here, but AICN (I think) ran a piece while DK was still in pre-production tht said theintroduction of the new suit is plot-related. So while I agree it's busy looking, I'm gonna reserve judgement until I see it in action. I am glad that HT picked up the license. I owned Tak Bats, and while he is great I'd really like to see what HT does on their second attempt. Not to mention a non-DC Direct Joker...
If HT releases a BB Suit especially since its in the film and a TDK suit I'll buy them both but not until I see them. The only one that is a sure fire lock is The Joker. Also, I could see them doing with the BB inspired suit a 2 in 1 deal offering up a Bruce Wayne there as well since we see him decowled quite a bit at least in the trailer.
I really hope a Bruce Wayne is made, I'm at a loss about putting together one with Andy's head, but it's such a good sculpt I had to get it. If HT makes him, I can hopefully swap it out.

Joker is as good as bought for me, but I hope somehow they revisit BB and give us a Ra's, if they still have that license, I think he'd look great, especially in his training ninja gear from the ice. I'd like Bruce that way too. Definitely need more than just Batman, and there are plenty of things to make outside of him.
What I'd like to see, besides what we know:

Bank Heist Joker
(New) Begins Batman
Scarecrow (Maybe fabric mask with Crane head?)
Bruce Wayne (suit and BB ninja)
Ras (suit and ninja)

Probably something else.