Hot Toys - The Joker 1989 - Jack Nicholson

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Geeze. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Geeze. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

In the original, unshopped pic, the ********* (holding the figure here) is asking Jack to sign a Ledger Joker pic. *********'s lucky Jack didn't turn his head into a salad bowl and piss in it.
In the original, unshopped pic, the ********* (holding the figure here) is asking Jack to sign a Ledger Joker pic. *********'s lucky Jack didn't turn his head into a salad bowl and piss in it.

Hahahaha. I didn't know that. Wow.

Meh. Jack should have signed it, if he didn't. It would have been funny, and kind of a finger to the Nolan Joker.
Nicholson's a cool dude...I can only imagine the crazy amount of sex drugs n rock n roll lifestyle he lived, and an amazing actor! Wish this PO was up already on this.
Nicholson's a cool dude...I can only imagine the crazy amount of sex drugs n rock n roll lifestyle he lives, and an amazing actor! Wish this PO was up already on this.

Fixed for accuracy. He still stumbles into the high-end restaurants in Carmel, drunk off his ass, and hot chicks on his arms. :lol
Well, I would say he's one of the greatest actors of the 70s, anyway. Since then he's been a great character IMO.

You could say the same about Pacino. I'm not sure why (not saying you are) some people assume you need to be on the top from start to end to be the greatest. I consider Frank Darabont one of the best directors in the film industry. Some would disagree based on his limited experience.
You could say the same about Pacino. I'm not sure why (not saying you are) some people assume you need to be on the top from start to end to be the greatest. I consider Frank Darabont one of the best directors in the film industry. Some would disagree based on his limited experience.

It's a tough call with actors but Nicholson is up there with Pacino, Daniel Day Lewis, Brando, Depp, De Niro, Duvall...Darabont is really good too, And to prove it The shawshank Redemption, and the Walking Dead.
You could say the same about Pacino. I'm not sure why (not saying you are) some people assume you need to be on the top from start to end to be the greatest. I consider Frank Darabont one of the best directors in the film industry. Some would disagree based on his limited experience.
I would say the same about Pacino. And I do think the body of one's work and longevity at the top of their form should play a role in such a discussion (for directors and actors), as should range and depth of performance over the course of those careers. Of course, this is all subjective. But I personally wouldn't put Nicholson in the same discussion as guys like Humphrey Bogart, Henry Fonda, and Marlon Brando. I would even put Tom Hanks and Daniel-Day Lewis ahead of him. Having said that, Chinatown is one of my favorite all-time movies.
Brilliant figure!

Has anybody at SDCC asked any of the booth people what the other details are on the figure?

Release window or even pre-sale window? I know we really won't get any kinda price info...we can guess that, but time frame is this 2011 / 2012?
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