Hot Toys - The Joker 1989 - Jack Nicholson

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it was on AMC the other day and I had off work. So I watched it and even then this figure comes out. Somethings telling us to get this :lol
I think it'd be sweet to be able to preorder this and Keaton bats together. Jeez, what a haul that day would be!

It would be awesome if they arrived at the same time.:hi5:

After you wake up from passing out with excitement which do you open first, though? :huh
It's quite simple actually. You synch your right and left hands and open them simultaneously.:p
Ah, then just club your wife over the head with the figure when she opens her mouth to rant. Problem solved. :lol

Hmmmmmmm ........ nah, things will just get ugly with the law dogs and all.

It would be awesome if they arrived at the same time.:hi5:

After you wake up from passing out with excitement which do you open first, though? :huh

Honestly? The same time. Our wives can be put to work every now and then :lol Nah nevermind. Knowing her she'd probably break something on purpose.

I'd open Jack first.
OC Batman and Joker shipped at the same time, I think I opened Joker first just because there was much more too him, plus I had Takara Batman so I was more excited to open something different.

It'd be the same for me with these, I've got a custom Batman, I've never had Joker, I'd check him out first.
OC Batman and Joker shipped at the same time, I think I opened Joker first just because there was much more too him, plus I had Takara Batman so I was more excited to open something different.

Oh yeah right, I completely forgot about that too. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I remember the look on my wifes face when I opened my huge ass box. I think I bought 2 of each or 2 OC Bats and 3 Jokers :lol Damn that was a pricey order. :D
This figure is one of my definite gets from SDCC, I'll sell whatever I must if necessary to get it, been wanting a Nicholson Joker for years. Hope Batman is up to this quality.

I know "grail figure" gets thrown around a lot, but this is honestly my grail figure. I've been wanting a Jack Joker more than any other figure for years.
I wonder if Jack Nicholson has seen this yet. Sort of like Stallone and his Barney figure?

Probably doesn't even give a damn. :lol

Probably does. I'm sure it will make him money some how from that big contract he took to do the movie. If he does he should be generous and donate it back so we can get our Hot toys for cheaper. No...Just me then.
It would be awesome if they arrived at the same time.:hi5:

After you wake up from passing out with excitement which do you open first, though? :huh

personally i think its simple...Bats first, only for the fact that, unless there is a Keaton HS, Joker is the more impressive figure HS wise and there for I'd personally save the best for last...granted I'm saying this without see Bats so I could be talking out of m A__. :lol
Yeah it does have that certain something that other licences lack, nostalgia wise. This and Star Wars.
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