Hot Toys - The Joker 1989 - Jack Nicholson

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Seems like this may have been the image that inspired the sculpts expression.


Jack had some bags under them eyes didn't he?

Good catch.

I was thinking to myself that the way the lower teeth kind of curved upward in the middle looked a bit unnatural, but looking at that pic it seems that is Jacks real anatomy. Might be exaggerated in the figure, but only slightly.
I would say the same about Pacino. And I do think the body of one's work and longevity at the top of their form should play a role in such a discussion (for directors and actors), as should range and depth of performance over the course of those careers. Of course, this is all subjective. But I personally wouldn't put Nicholson in the same discussion as guys like Humphrey Bogart, Henry Fonda, and Marlon Brando. I would even put Tom Hanks and Daniel-Day Lewis ahead of him. Having said that, Chinatown is one of my favorite all-time movies.

Nicoholson will go down as an iconic actor...i probably should have made that more clear in my list :slap personally I think Brando/Daniel Day Lewis/Depp will probably be considered the most brilliant actors period. Those guys immersed themselves in roles and it back to 89 joker.
Looks great! Finally a decent open mouth HT sculpt! Could use a little more facial contouring but other than that a strong consideration for me. At least, when and if they eventually do release Keaton, seems like I'll need ol' Jack to complement him. :D
I have to save this man's life, before his wife turns all pamela voorhees on his ass :lol

I'm certain Voorhees has had plenty a night in the dog house. I'm more than certain there's a light in there too so he'll be able to play with the figures when they arrive and she boots him out for the night. :lol
I couldn't live with myself if I didn't get this figure. I think I'm watching Batman '89 today.
This figure is one of my definite gets from SDCC, I'll sell whatever I must if necessary to get it, been wanting a Nicholson Joker for years. Hope Batman is up to this quality.
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