Thank's bro, I appreciate that you and 2 more people's understand's that this is a not "HOT TOYS SUCKS!!! BURN YOU ALL" thread, but just the "Hey bro's! Hot Toys are best, let's help them understand where is still some room left for improvements. You can't do everything yourself HOT TOYS, cause you are making so many awesome projects at the same time & we, your fans are always ready to help & give a hand to you!"Sined, I think most of us appreciate your enthusiasm for more accuracy in the size department, but I really don't think it's going to happen from HT's side. So you'd better get ready to do some customizing!
Anyway, you're from Moscow?
I was there a couple of years ago! Beautiful city and lots of gorgeous women! Wish I could've stayed longer, but it was a business trip.
Me too don't think that this will happen, but I think that why don't give a try, you know
And please - when you will be in Moscow next time - give me a PM. I will show you some Moscow awesomeness level & of course I can invite you to our collectible-community meeting to get some beer & etc