Hottoys first showing at Ani-com 2011

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That's my feeling on it... why bother releasing a set like that :huh

Cool for those who really want a giant set-up; but just give me the figure and I'll be a happy camper :lecture
My sarcasm detector might be off, but I don't think most of that stuff is nearly as important to a collector as the quality of the actual figure.

Nope not being sarcastic. So your detector is probably just fine. Normally I would agree about the importance of sculpt and figure. But this EB GOD set is something else. I would never buy something based on accessories alone. But the sheer amount of 1/6 stuff this comes with is pretty amazing. A 3 sided carved wooden dio? A wooden (correct scale) directors chair, working metal studio lights? Given their current pricing how much do you think HT would charge for that?

My point is this, HT could undoubtedly create an amazing sculpt to go up against and even possibly trash the EB GOD figures (although IMO they are the best versions of BL to date) but would they take on the sheer scale of a set like this? I don't think so. Unless they could trash it, thats the way they seem to deal with EB. I mean look at the DX04, amazing set, they went completely over on the dio side of things, except it was mostly cardboard. IMO thats because of the EB set.

They do not want to be unfavorably compared to EB about anything.

Anyway I have a ____ load of GOD figures now and I would like something new from Hot Toys!

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or ETD add on like new HS, boxing outfit, brown Chinese gi, blue Chinese gi...

or make Mr Han with all his hands !!
Well the DX was an ETD release...I'd be surprised to see more ETD but anything is possible. I'd love the boxing set, and that would go well with their new rubber body I imagine.
seriously, dude? :lol

I want you to look in the mirror and say out loud what you just wrote, and see if you don't crack up because of how ridiculous they are.

Why take that part out of context Hydeous?
I noted they would not be able to match the whole set? I didn't say they couldn't do a better sculpt. Infact, I posted they probably would.

Maybe you should read the entire posts before saying what I posted was ridiculous. Great thing about a forum like this is that we are all entitled to our opinions. Why not show a little respect for your fellow collectors?

Have you ever seen Hot Toys include wooden dios? Wooden furniture?
Working metal lights? Don't think so, it's not in their business model. Therefore they could not compete with a SET like this.
Why take that part out of context Hydeous?
I noted they would not be able to match the whole set? I didn't say they couldn't do a better sculpt. Infact, I posted they probably would.

Maybe you should read the entire posts before saying what I posted was ridiculous. Great thing about a forum like this is that we are all entitled to our opinions. Why not show a little respect for your fellow collectors?

Have you ever seen Hot Toys include wooden dios? Wooden furniture?
Working metal lights? Don't think so, it's not in their business model. Therefore they could not compete with a SET like this.
Great for all the Bruce Lee fans but 3 figures in the past year is plenty IMO. I am looking forward to the other brands 89 Bats, Marvel, MGS and anything else new they have to offer.
Personally I want Hot Toys to do the GoD because the other Bruce Lee roles are not nearly as interesting appearance wise. For the most part, it is about Bruce and we already have multiple sculpts of him by Hot Toys. Seeing him in fairly basic and standard getups, considering his role, is cool but can be far more awesome. The yellow jumpsuit with the giant foot print is what I call awesome. It's iconic and it stands out in a collection. I know there's plenty of people who are willing to pay $1000 for multiple versions of the same guy, but I would like a Bruce that stands out when standing by the other Bruce Lee figures, which is exactly what GoD, or Kato, would provide.
Either Bruce would be great. Enterbay has some good stuff but with the crazy prices and long delays they shoot themselves in the foot.

Id love an level playing field for both, might been reduced prices for us consumers. But right now Enterbay has the BL market and HT has everything else
okay, here's a big news regarding the ACGHK2011, can anyone translate this huge information

there's also autograph area... imagine... EXCLUSIVES + AUTOGRAPH = 4x regular price
Why take that part out of context Hydeous?
I noted they would not be able to match the whole set? I didn't say they couldn't do a better sculpt. Infact, I posted they probably would.

Maybe you should read the entire posts before saying what I posted was ridiculous. Great thing about a forum like this is that we are all entitled to our opinions. Why not show a little respect for your fellow collectors?

Have you ever seen Hot Toys include wooden dios? Wooden furniture?
Working metal lights? Don't think so, it's not in their business model. Therefore they could not compete with a SET like this.

I just stopped reading after the the first paragraph :lol

I never paid attention to the stuff that they include in the GOD set. To me its a useless gimmick, since the head is pretty much subpar, and the QC issues pretty much makes their company's credibility down to zero in my book.

Its pretty much like the 1:1 pen that they gave to ones that bought their godfather set. With a subpar headsculpt, and bad QCs, no matter what accesories they may include their set or employ some cute chick as their SA, they could never beat HT period.