I hate scalpers in any industry. But that said...
I can be honest enough to say that I'm not happy about this. I'm not upset about the re-release either, but like any collector of any type of collection, it's nice to know that you have some things that not everyone has. I've never sold a figure, and as long as my income remains stable, I never will. I only buy what I want to keep. And even though I'd never sell, it's nice to see the value going up year over year.
Sure, collectors now have a chance to get some of these awesome figures at retail, but in my opinion, they all had the chance to get them at retail (assuming they were aware of the existence of the HT Star Wars line).
I pre-order most of my figures like others on the forum, and pre-ordering is a risk in itself. Sometimes the finished product has a lot of problems, and in some cases, they turn out amazing. This is going to sound horrible (again, I'm just being honest), but take Chewbacca as an example. I pre-ordered it, the promo pics and pics from convention looked horrible, people were bashing the figure like crazy, I held on, the finished product came out, and he's amazing. There is some sadistic pleasure when people (who were bashing the figure, and collectors for buying it) are now scrambling to get one. I've been on both the winning and losing sides of it, and I've had to pay extra for figures that I hesitated on, or got into the hobby too late for, but that's just the nature of the hobby.
Sure, in a way it's great that all collectors can get the figures they want, but at the same time, if all of these figures were available at ToysRUs they would lose some appeal for me I think.