Well, i'm ******* sorry I don't feel like going to jail over punching someone else in the face.

In most cases, getting into brawls doesn't make you a man, just someone in desperate need of anger management.
Well, i'm ******* sorry I don't feel like going to jail over punching someone else in the face.
Yeah, blame women. What the hell. What's one more thing that's our fault. Gotta blame someone.
Guess there's no blame for the fact that so many families now don't have a father involved.
Oops, my mistake, that's the woman's fault as well. Damn women ruining the world. They should send them back to Venus.
I've ran into very few grown men who are wimps. I guess it depends on your definition of wimp. You can't compare them to fictional characters who can get away with anything, get the **** kicked out of them yet still get up for more, and don't have to obey any laws.
There's much more to being a man than being violent.
I see it as modern life has civilised western men. Our entire history is about Violence, now is about methods other than violence for the everyday bloke.
I've been in two drunken bar fights. Of course this was over 20 years ago when I was young and dumb....and both times I had my *** handed to me.
*** is censored? Really?
Well, there do seem to be a couple of people who "get it".
Personally, I have watched with growing disappointment at how soft the men of this Nation seem to be getting.
There was a time when things like standing up for what you believe to be right, even if it had to go so far as violence, were regarded as heroic and honorable. And now it is seen as the behavior of the evil by far too many people.
More and more it seems like the only people with any guts are the thugs. And there are aspects of this society that are encouraging cowardice. I won't point fingers as I don't want this thread to turn political.
But all is not yet lost. The cowardice that is slowly making it's way through the veins of this Nation like a poison in a bloodstream can still be reversed.
I will be happy to go to jail for punching someone in the face who truly deserves it. And I will spend that time in jail reflecting on how I did the right thing and am not going to let my life end because I had to take a time-out from our pathetic justice system.
Why are people so afraid of the consequences of fighting any more? So you might get your *** beat. So you might go to jail. Are these life-ending events for some of you?
I have more respect for the man who steps up and gets beat down than I do for the "man" who choses inaction due to fear of the consequences.
I'll offer a hand up to the man who gets beat down and then buy him a beer.
But unfortunately, I would probably help the "man" who chose inaction if it went badly for him, too.
Ok forgive my ignorance. Is that Oscorp?Look who wrote it, probably hasn't been out of the house in years,
So serious and dominating, yet so sexy.
Ok forgive my ignorance. Is that Oscorp?
Well, i'm ******* sorry I don't feel like going to jail over punching someone else in the face.
Lol who wants to go through the drama of fighting and jail time?
The average man may have seen hundreds of thousands of murders on his TV screen and committed tens of thousands more playing video games, but he has also probably never struck another human being in anger in his entire adult lifetime. In other words, he may be captivated by the imagery he sees at the movies, but he goes home knowing that he will never even live out a pale imitation of what he’s just seen.
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