HT 14" Predator full spec and hi-res pics

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HT screwed up on the size of P1, period.
Makes no sense, but that's just how it is. Nothing we can do about it, except shake our heads in wonder and expect the announcement of DX P1 predator in correct scale! :D

Seriously though, there's no point in ^^^^^ing any more. What's done is done. I'm sure HT are very aware of the fact that they screwed up, but there's nothing to be done about it.

I'm very disappointed, but that's life.

Yeah no kidding. If it was an expense issue I would have been glad to give up the lighted mask for correct heighth. Heck I would have been glad to pay the extra needed to make it the correct scale, that is if this is even an issue of cutting costs.
For people who still don't want to believe that P1 is a shorty:



Photo Credit: tc4949 from ToyWorld

Keep in mind: P1 is in front of P2 and Wolf. So if you lined them up shoulder to shoulder he'd be slightly smaller still.

Yep. To be honest though, I'd rather have him be too short than have yet another predator who looks like he hasn't eaten in six months.

He still looks just as slim or even slimmer at least in these shots.
Heck the P2 looks a lot better than the P1 in these shots.
Stand alone looks to be the way to go.
he does look kinda dissapointing but I will hold off on any firm complaining until I have mine in hand. might have to put him on machico's shoulders. :lol
Wow, for once I take the less extreme stance on this one. Shortarse, yes unfortunately. But he will stand proud with the P2 and Wolf in my collection. IMO both P1 and P2 wipe the floor with Mr.Anorexia Wolf.
okay so I'm gonna be really REALLY nooby now. I normally just look in the DC thread but Ive been looking at these pred figs and they look excellent. It has been a few years since i saw the pred films and I very Ignorantly cannot tell which pred is from which film. If you could list whats what I would be really grateful. cheers guys. sorry for such a turd of a question
so, even though the quality of HT figures gets better, little details like this keep them apart from being the prefect figures...
Too bad, but with HB and Abe being short, blonde Billy, Dutch being short and with a small head, and now P1 being TOO FREAKING short!!! Seems like HT is dropping the ball...
Still... P1 looks sweet!! :lol
He still looks just as slim or even slimmer at least in these shots.
Heck the P2 looks a lot better than the P1 in these shots.
Stand alone looks to be the way to go.

Maybe if P1's flip flops :)lol) had a little more thickness on the soles, he would be a little taller.............or Machiko can lend P1 her high heels. :lol

For YellowJosh.

Left to right:
P2 Elder, AvP Scar, AvP-R Wolf (kneeling), AvP Elder (with cape), P1 "ugly mother^^^^er", AvP Asia Exclusive (I think) ancient predator, Machiko (chick in high heels).
There's a bunch more including AvP Celtic, AvP Chopper, P2 Lost predator, Exclusive AvP Scar and another AvP SST Exclusive ancient predator.
He still looks just as slim or even slimmer at least in these shots.
Heck the P2 looks a lot better than the P1 in these shots.
Stand alone looks to be the way to go.
The angle of the shots, and P1 standing in front of P2 and Wolf Predator is masking how skinny the two of them really are. P1 is definitely more balanced in the torso, although his legs are still too skinny. From what I can gather P2 and Wolf aren't any wider in the torso despite being half an inch taller.
The angle of the shots, and P1 standing in front of P2 and Wolf Predator is masking how skinny the two of them really are. P1 is definitely more balanced in the torso, although his legs are still too skinny. From what I can gather P2 and Wolf aren't any wider in the torso despite being half an inch taller.

Perhaps. Thats a really good shot of the P2 though, perhaps one of the best, it makes his chest look much bigger and more defined. P1 (in those pics) looks like he needs to hit the intergalactic gym!:lol
I received my Predator this afternoon and I thought I might share this pic with you guys ;
Hope you'll enjoy it coz this figure ROCKS HARD :rock

I received my Predator this afternoon and I thought I might share this pic with you guys ;
Hope you'll enjoy it coz this figure ROCKS HARD :rock

Fantastic photo! The sculpt of the sometimes criticised face looks great in your pic...mainly because you can't tell his ''nose'' is too long from that angle.
For YellowJosh.

Left to right:
P2 Elder, AvP Scar, AvP-R Wolf (kneeling), AvP Elder (with cape), P1 "ugly mother^^^^er", AvP Asia Exclusive (I think) ancient predator, Machiko (chick in high heels).
There's a bunch more including AvP Celtic, AvP Chopper, P2 Lost predator, Exclusive AvP Scar and another AvP SST Exclusive ancient predator.

cheers mate thanks you!
HT screwed up on the size of P1, period.
Makes no sense, but that's just how it is. Nothing we can do about it, except shake our heads in wonder and expect the announcement of DX P1 predator in correct scale! :D

Seriously though, there's no point in ^^^^^ing any more. What's done is done. I'm sure HT are very aware of the fact that they screwed up, but there's nothing to be done about it.

I'm very disappointed, but that's life.

Wait... aren't you the same guy who loves Medicom's Alien figure that is all of 12" tall? If you're such a Medi-fan, why do you care about scale all of a sudden??
