HT 14" Predator full spec and hi-res pics

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Yeah, I have no trouble believing that the preds can all be different heights. And even though Kevin Peter Hall played the role in both of the PREDATOR movies, the creature did look slender in the first one. As long as the figure is noticeably taller than the Dutch figures (which appears to be the case from at least one photo comparison) I'm cool with it as-is.
For people who still don't want to believe that P1 is a shorty:


Keep in mind: P1 is in front of P2 and Wolf. So if you lined them up shoulder to shoulder he'd be slightly smaller still.

Look at Wolf Preds feet, his soles are much thicker than Pred 1's, thats not fair.:mad: I wonder if it would be possible to switch feet?
The only thing annoying me is the way the dreads are splayed out backwards like he has been riding a motorbike really fast.

Will need to pull them forward and hold them down for a while.
:confused: The comparison pics show Predators (P2, P1 & Wolf). And compared to other HT preds P1 is shorter.

Dude.... I mean in the movies, have not seen them in 1 film.... so the actual size comparison cant be done.

Well, since the P1, P2 and P2 Elder were all played by the same guy in the movies...I'd ASSUME the figs should be the same size as well. :duh
HT screwed up on the size of P1, period.
Makes no sense, but that's just how it is. Nothing we can do about it, except shake our heads in wonder and expect the announcement of DX P1 predator in correct scale! :D

Seriously though, there's no point in ^^^^^ing any more. What's done is done. I'm sure HT are very aware of the fact that they screwed up, but there's nothing to be done about it.

I'm very disappointed, but that's life.
Can we get a picture of just P1 and P2 standing next to eachother? Then we can just check out the eye level. Since KPH played both P1 and P2, they should have the same eye level since he has to look out of the masks. Do I make any sense? :D
As long as the figure is noticeably taller than the Dutch figures (which appears to be the case from at least one photo comparison) I'm cool with it as-is.


I have no other Preds so it makes zero difference to me either. If this is your 1st and only Pred you are going to be pretty stoked IMO. If the height really bothers you, you can always mod "lifts" below his feet like HT did with that other Pred. Easy peasy.
The only thing annoying me is the way the dreads are splayed out backwards like he has been riding a motorbike really fast.

Will need to pull them forward and hold them down for a while.

That's just lack of futzing or choice by the owner, they're all free flowing, you can easily take some and run them over the fronts of his shoulders.

While I don't like how they sometimes puff outt, I'm glad they are free flowing so you can custom the look to your liking versus a solid mold setup where HT dictates the look and you're stuck with their choice.
Ah, that's good to know. I thought they may have been packed with something pressing on them so they now 'spring' backwards.
that doesn't bother me... i like how the 3 predators are different size it makes them look unique

the last thingi want is for them to look like the avp collection... same figures with different mask designs....
I'm sure HT are very aware of the fact that they screwed up...
yeah... no, they're not. if they noticed or cared they could've fixed it before production.

my ht preds are next to my medicom figures so the height won't be an issue anyway.
and i bet someone is gonna freak out and stick the head on an elder body.