HT 14" Predator full spec and hi-res pics

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For those curious about the height discrepancy, here's a clean shot of KPH out of the suit with people.


Interesting image too, it's supposedly a life-size Predator statue, 7'5" tall.

all i can say is that its probably more to do with economics then anything else. In the end of the day they are in the business of selling products and if they made perfect figures they would go out of business pretty fast.

Its that or they have become lazy which i doubt given the quality of their work. Maybe they wanted to save money on production costs by not making the molds as large. There are obviously a lot of reasons we all tend to overlook in our quest for perfect figures which probably make total sense to those running the company and to which we will never be privy too. Height to scale with all ht figures isn't accurate. If its bigger then the human figures height wise and represents pretty much accurately the movie character then thats probably the best your ever going to get from a company that mass produces these items. It is in my eyes a kickass figure and one of the best preds to date barr wolf and elder.

Who knows why they don't make the height exactly as in the movies and my guess is we will never know but one thing is gaurenteed...the next predator figure that is released a lot of people will still buy it and this conversation will repeat itself on some other feature.....
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Why weren't there any mullets in Predator? Or in many of the great eighties classics. Lots of bad mullets worked on these films but the makers seemed to have the fashion foresight not to have the really bad ones get in front of the cameras as part of the principal cast.
all i can say is that its probably more to do with economics then anything else. In the end of the day they are in the business of selling products and if they made perfect figures they would go out of business pretty fast.

Its that or they have become lazy which i doubt given the quality of their work. Maybe they wanted to save money on production costs by not making the molds as large. There are obviously a lot of reasons we all tend to overlook in our quest for perfect figures which probably make total sense to those running the company and to which we will never be privy too.

Who knows and my guess is we will never know but one thing is gaurenteed...the next predator figure that is released a lot of people will still buy it and this conversation will repeat itself on some other feature.....

I seriously doubt it had to do with things like mold size, but to be honest, people are making way too much of a big deal with it. Its good for discussion but overall I feel all this investigating is irrelevant because for those that do buy it, they will notice the sculpt and paint before the scale anytime.
Screw the heights! HT decides to mess round wih the height issue on this one, just as medicom kept giving us crappy paint apps, but no ones forcing anyone to buy anything.

I'm still buying it regardless of the height issues.
Plus Billy and Dutch are wearing thick soled boots. Pred is barefoot. :D

Predator 1 isn't bare foot. He has sandles at least as tall as field boots. Just to clear that up. It seemed to go unanswered. Predator 2 was barefoot.

Interesting image too, it's supposedly a life-size Predator statue, 7'5" tall.


I've seen that lifesize statue before, and I have to ask, why the hell is it so perfect looking, yet it doesn't have knetting on the legs or left arm, and the hands are from the Predator 2? What is that about?

Screw the heights! HT decides to mess round wih the height issue on this one, just as medicom kept giving us crappy paint apps, but no ones forcing anyone to buy anything.

I'm still buying it regardless of the height issues.

I'm still buying it too, but it's just frustrating to fans like me to anticipate the best, most perfect, granddaddy of all Preds in 1/6 just to have Hot Toys go, "Ha, ha, we made it less than perfect; we made it the shortest one of all for no good logical reason. ^^^^ your expectations. Give us money now."

This should have been the end all/ be all greatest Pred, and it is, by itself, the best one they've done, but it still lacks the stature next to anything else in their Predator line to give it the greatness it deserves. That's why we have the majority of 37 pages of people ^^^^^ing about it. Hot Toys did something great, but ^^^^ed up the way they did it.
uscmhicks said:
The reason this is a stand out problem is that the mistake they have made has never been made years before on basically the same figures just a different design.
Thats why its annoying people so much I would think.

Correct. Like I've said before, the height is off on ALL HT Predator figures. But at least, at the VERY least, it's been consistent. Until now. Which is weird. So it's a point of discussion. It doesn't turn into a debate or heated conflict until people who own one or have one coming want to pretend there's no problem with the height or no fault. That's all. Like I said, if someone is like "yeah it's short but I still love it".. I would be like "Cool. Congrats!". It isn't until I see someone like "It's not short. It's perfect. Hot Toys is the best" that I speak on it.

SilentSurfer said:
I've seen that lifesize statue before, and I have to ask, why the hell is it so perfect looking, yet it doesn't have knetting on the legs or left arm, and the hands are from the Predator 2? What is that about?

If you see the close up pics of that Statue you'll see the answer: the arms/armor and legs/armor are all one solid piece. There's a really horrid, unsightly seam that runs along the sides of the arms/armor and legs/armor. So it would be kinda hard to add netting because there's no "underneath" when it comes to the armor on the legs and arms. But the chest armor is seperate!? So go and try to figure that one out. :lol

The head sculpt on that thing looks great though imo.
Predator 1... has sandles at least as tall as field boots. Just to clear that up.

P1 sandles are the same as combat boots, good one.


Guys, either do a mod to make him taller or don't buy it. Do we have to hear the same tiresome complaints by the same people on each and every page? You guys made your point about 50 pages ago, and every F'n page thereafter. Sheesh...

:horse:horse:horse :monkey4

Some people actually want to enjoy receiving this and dig seeing the pics of this amazing figure without all this constant whining about height.

Maybe you Guys should start your own "P1 isn't tall enough" thread and beat that thread to hell instead. :lol

For those who are inclined to agree, maybe we can get back to some of this coolness vibe...

Man,This pose is awesome!! I,ll pose my predator like your pic irishJedi :cool:

Yeah you're right. God forbid anyone say anything negative about a collectible. Especially from Hot Toys. What were we thinking. Darklord Dave should really change the name "For subject specific discussion of collectibles." to "Forums for PRAISE ONLY."

Discussion on a discussion board!? That's CRRRRAAAZYYY and unexpected. :horror

Yeah you're right. God forbid anyone say anything negative about a collectible. Especially from Hot Toys. What were we thinking. Darklord Dave should really change the name "For subject specific discussion of collectibles." to "Forums for PRAISE ONLY."

Discussion on a discussion board!? That's CRRRRAAAZYYY and unexpected. :horror


On EVERY F'N Page???!

Dude, give it a rest, man. Really... enough is enough.

:horse :horse :horse
to quote a famous arnie line 'stap vining'

Seriously so what if the height is off. People will always find something to complain about. The height is off, the p2 figure looks like he's wearing his undies backwards and his waistline is too small and legs too long, wolf's face color is not screen accurate, his legs are too skinny, elder's face is too squashed looking and his head is too big. His body seams look too toyish etc etc. Doesn't change the fact they are all kickass figures that people will happily still buy and admire. HT can't make a 100 per cent perfect replica of any of the pred characters seen in the movies (they make a pretty good effort too though)and if your expecting everything to be scale perfect you'll always be dissapointed. A lot of people are saying 'this was supposed to be the greatest figure ever made etc etc' ...

HT never said it was going to be that they just released as another predator in their line. Every pred they ever made dissapoints the fans in some way however they are all still great figures to which there is no other competition out there. Someone said there is no logical reason why they made the height so small. The height isn't even that small hes still larger then the other characters i.e the billy and arnie figures. He still towers over billy by a good bit. In fact i put billy up to elder and lost and he's nearly at eye level with them too so they are also way off in terms of height if we are to follow the scale height is off rational.
It's just impossible for ht to build the perfect 'fan' figure, but to me like i said if its 85 to 95 per cent perfect then thats good enoughy(for me anyway) You can always mod the figures if you feel that badly about a certain feature, and thats the beauty of collecting.

The height is off on all ht preds, every single one of them. Everyone has a right to complain about a figures shortcomings but enough is enough about the height. Lets go half way on this agree to disagree and end the issue. Lets get back to admiring the beauty and good things about the figure to which there are many more postives then negatives.
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...but thats like...boring. OMG. :D

Seriously though - positivity is boring. There are certain figure threads that I just don't bother with precisely because I have nothing negative to say (yep - figures I'm happy with!) and theres only so much positive comments I can be bothered to type or read. Saying a figure is "cool" or "awesome" doesn't promote much in the way of conversation. Pointing out its flaws clearly does. Talking about ways to correct these flaws does. Complaining about complainers does. Complaining about the people complaining about the complainers does.
...but thats like...boring. OMG. :D

Seriously though - positivity is boring. There are certain figure threads that I just don't bother with precisely because I have nothing negative to say (yep - figures I'm happy with!) and theres only so much positive comments I can be bothered to type or read. Saying a figure is "cool" or "awesome" doesn't promote much in the way of conversation. Pointing out its flaws clearly does. Talking about ways to correct these flaws does. Complaining about complainers does. Complaining about the people complaining about the complainers does.

Good point well made... but it's a disscussion forum not a dissin forum!
...but thats like...boring. OMG. :D

Seriously though - positivity is boring. There are certain figure threads that I just don't bother with precisely because I have nothing negative to say (yep - figures I'm happy with!) and theres only so much positive comments I can be bothered to type or read. Saying a figure is "cool" or "awesome" doesn't promote much in the way of conversation. Pointing out its flaws clearly does. Talking about ways to correct these flaws does. Complaining about complainers does. Complaining about the people complaining about the complainers does.

i most definitely agree with this. So many of my figures have been improved vastly by reading through these threads.
That certainly true and i can't argue there but on the other hand incessent whining about a figures faults also turns people off the threads.

There may be areas which need fixing and i agree there is on most figures. If you get a perfect figure all the better but this is rarely the case. Intially i react like that when we see a figure that is not perfect but over time come to like the quirkiness of whatever is wrong with it or just mod it myself if needs be.

It as you pointed out does help the designers in the future make better figures although if ht have done this before they aren't To state your dissapointed in the figure is fine i can understand that but to act like the figure is destroyed and the end of the world is nigh because one thing is off on it is to exerggerrate the problem and to distract from what was done right on the figure. thats all im saying.

If we didn't have faults with figures we couldn't mod them ourselves!:banana and thats where half the fun of collecting is.
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If people have comments or concerns why not contact [email protected] I know HT's does read some of these threads but what makes you all think they have time to read each and every HT's thread?

Also again what will complaining in a thread here at SSF change on HT's end? Assume of course again that they read each and every thing here about them.

I think contacting them directly makes more sense so why not give it a try:

[email protected]

Complain your little hearts out people :D