HT Batman Begins - Batman/Wayne TF Ex.

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Hey, Kara change this the thread title to HT MMS 67 OC Batman w/ poop faces and Bateman head.
i really would_love to have this figure but i'm from asia and i'm not buying from scalpers so F it! i can live without it. keaton bats will more than make up for it. yesh!!!
Can we change the title of the thread to "The Church of heath Ledger and the Gathering Point for the Just and True Collector (with a little bit of Batman thrown in for good measure)".

I wouldn't really say that. There are some people who really want this figure, and ordering from Sideshow isn't an option for them. There are just hordes of Hot Toys fans in Asia who'll never get their hands on this, except via a scalper :slap.



So glad I have a relative who could help me out buy this one from SS eventhough I'm from Asia. :) Most of the collectors here doesn't have this opportunity.:monkey2
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So what was all the hubbub about this figure? I just went on Sideshow created an acct and ordered the figure just to see if I could do it. Long boring story short, I got one and took like 5 mins. Now I have to find a new home for my Batman Begins OC figure.


So glad I have a relative who could help me out buy this one from SS eventhough I'm from Aisa. :) Most of the collectors here doesn't have this opportunity.:monkey2

So what was all the hubbub about this figure? I just went on Sideshow created an acct and ordered the figure just to see if I could do it. Long boring story short, I got one and took like 5 mins. Now I have to find a new home for my Batman Begins OC figure.

Not everybody is as lucky as those that are able to order from Sideshow.
Can we change the title of the thread to "The Church of heath Ledger and the Gathering Point for the Just and True Collector (with a little bit of Batman thrown in for good measure)".

Not everybody is as lucky as those that are able to order from Sideshow.

elaborate please? I thought this was going to be super exclusive, is this more about how those who cant order from SS cant have it and have to deal with scalpers? I'm shocked that this guy and the Pred are still on the site for sale ahaha
Naw, change it to "whine about everything" thread.

The Pity Train has derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up
& Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a
complete stop at Get the Hell Over It. Any complaints about how we
operate can be forwarded to 1 (800) waa-waaa.
The Pity Train has derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up
& Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a
complete stop at Get the Hell Over It. Any complaints about how we
operate can be forwarded to 1 (800) waa-waaa.

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