HT Batman Begins - Batman/Wayne TF Ex.

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Now you're just sounding stupid.


Because I am defending myself? Sorry some of you are used to walking on everyone and most not defending themselves. I didn't grow up that way. I'm stupid? You're the one insulting someone you don't even know.
I feel like ES's are irrelevant to HT. They never say anything about how many are produced & frankly they don't have to. They're not promoted that way.

Also everything says that it's Limited Edition now-a-days. Hell I see it on cereal boxes. If you buy HT then buy them for what they are, not what can be.
Because I am defending myself? Sorry some of you are used to walking on everyone and most not defending themselves. I didn't grow up that way. I'm stupid? You're the one insulting someone you don't even know.

No, I posted that picture because the scalper is a moron, people crying about being mislead are morons, not being rare enough is silly, and I didn't say you are stupid, just your post made you sound stupid. That's all.
I'm not the one who's in desperate need of some Tucks.

Point IS, it's still limited. You won't find him in TRU or distributed through DCD. The PPO was needed because either way their website would've crashed. You wanna blame someone for the hype, blame your fellow freaks. Sideshow said on many occasions that this would be made available and that they would be getting "enough to cover demand." But the freaks ignored it and bombarded the customer service with request after request. They're the ones who posted about being pissed if they miss the PPOs. They're the ones pedestaling the Asian flippers. Not Sideshow. Your concept of "devalue" is skewed considering, and I promise you, that in the years to come, these things won't drop below retail which means their value is perfectly fine.

But you'd already know all this if you were even fractionally familiar with Hot Toys and the successful history of just about every figure that's every come out of their shop, and if you'd even bothered to participate here, before this figure came out. But you didn't. So quit pretending like you know everything and popping in this thread, ranting out of your ass like you're some ____ing expert, because you're not. Faaaaaaaaaaar from it.

I was on here before this figure came out. What are you even talking about? I'm not the one acting like an expert, shooting down others posts (that aren't my buddies) and acting like a jerk to posters. You are and have been for the months I've been on here so I can only imagine what it's been like the years you've been on here. If you weren't getting personal with me or other folks, you could be taken seriously.
No, I posted that picture because the scalper is a moron, people crying about being mislead are morons, not being rare enough is silly, and I didn't say you are stupid, just your post made you sound stupid. That's all.

Well, maybe logic is harder to grasp by some on here than one would think.
Anyone know when Sideshow will have this up for order?
Something to me doesn't look right about the Bale head on the Batman body... the proportions seem strange.
And if you had half a brain, people would take you seriously. You're full of it and yourself. As I said, and I like how you ignored it, the figure is still limited, it wasn't devalued (though I don't even know how you can make that assumption considering not only are there ones Sideshow has yet to ship, but another con coming up that also has these as exclusives), and Sideshow didn't create all this bull____ hype for it. Those were the three ranting bull____ accusations you were posting and all three are wrong. So stop trying to deflect this into some bull____ about me attacking you. Fact is, you were wrong. And you're still wrong.

I think you keep getting your own attitude and issues confused with me. I read through this thread and many others and almost ALWAYS when I come to your posts they are cocky and condescending. You either have a group of "soldiers" following you and praising what you said or you are picking on someone's post, like your opinion is any better. Define LIMITED. We are ALL still guessing how many total. If there's 5,000 as someone joked, is that limited? I don't think so. Is 1500 limited? Well if that is the case, then I guess most of SSC's stuff is Limited. But giving people the illusion that they must log on and go through the PPO is where I find fault with SSC's. So SSC's is not in the hype or marketing business? They only send out email notifications and plaster them constantly on their site creating the hype. Sure it's mass produced on here, but it starts there with announcements. And yes, you did attack me first. You like to act like your Sgt. Slaughter, but he'd even know who attacked who and who has a history of attacking others....
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