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I paid $100 for a kato.e shirt for my serial killer. I felt really fumb doing that since I don't even own a shirt of my own worth $100. I can't even imagine spending ten times that on one figure.

I paid $100 for a kato.e shirt for my serial killer. I felt really fumb doing that since I don't even own a shirt of my own worth $100. I can't even imagine spending ten times that on one figure.


As crazy as it sounds, I care more how my Batman looks than me :slap

I have ketchup stains on my white shirt and could care less, but I would never allow ketchup/mustard stains on my Joker :horror
The topic may stray a bit, but it always comes back. Rudely interrupting the natural evolution of a conversation with a post like yours is just as insulting. Not everybody has to be discussing what Wicket Toys wants to talk about, when he wants to talk about it. Didn't your mommy teach you any manners? :huh :monkey1

Shocking, 007, just shocking...Nam criticing another new member. Honestly, everyone's post and opinion should be respected. Not sure why a select few can say and do anything they want and it's fine. :whip
Really man? You feel the need to insult him too? And you were a mod?:rotfl

Where was the insult? :dunno

Guy comes in here wagging his finger trying to act like he is a mod. No insult there. Just observing the reasons why he was getting picked on.

If I paid 1K for toy outfits my wife would cut my sausage off and sell it to a bangladesh restaurant.

Hell, I'd do that to myself.

Regarding the custom cape don't have to pay someone to make a cape for you. Especially considering it's about 10x cheaper, if not more so, to do it yourself. Go to a fabric store, i.e. JoAnn Fabrics, Hancock Fabrics, whatever, and look at their fabric selection. Generally the decent spandex blends will be around the swimwear fabric section. A yard of that will make 3-4 decent sized capes and will run you about $10 - $15.

If you want higher quality, walk down the wall until you get to their velvet selection. There are 3-4 very high quality materials that will get you extremely close to screen accuracy, and they'll only run you maybe around $20 a yard.

Take the fabric home, take the cape you want to replace and cut around it like a stencil, and voila! You have your own custom cape and you don't have to pay someone to do it for you or hope that someone will deem the project "worthy" of them and charge you $100+ for the "opportunity" of owning one of their pieces.

You'd be surprised what you can do and improve yourself if you just get off your ass and put in a little effort.
Where was the insult? :dunno

Guy comes in here wagging his finger trying to act like he is a mod. No insult there. Just observing the reasons why he was getting picked on.

Post I saw had him claiming he was a noob and simply asking to keep the thread on topic. Don't see anything odd there.
Guess no real insult. Just a 'high and mighty' negative opinion post delivered almost as fact.

Strange too, seeing as his observations seemed bang on to me.
I dont usually become a rude person, but when Im insulted continuously Im not just going to ignore it. So Nam, lets let bygons be bygons and just let it go.
There aren't many people who are gonna allow themselves to be insulted without responding, and that's fair. This thread had a lot of issues with new members joining up and asking questions that were already addressed ad nauseum, and I think the quick insults were a bit more warranted at that time (though still overdone). Now, it seems like folks are too trigger-happy with pushing people around whenever they act contrary to the consensus view. This happened a bit yesterday and was unnecessary IMO. And the problem is always in the fact that folks respond and it escalates when it would be better if folks just let it ____ing go. But that isn't human nature I guess. Sequence of events seem to be as follows:

1) new guy posts something others know or against consensus view of established forum members

2) established forum member chides new guy, often in an insulting manner, frequently calling him a name in the process

3) new guy responds defensively

4) established forum member comes back with more of same, escalating silly forum argument

5) other established forum members start in

6) new guys responds, possibly starting to use insults himself, because he feels bullied and doesn't want to be pushed around by mob of angry, established toy forum geeks

7) Posts are reported and PMs start coming in, usually from both sides of the discussion (including the silent group of pro-new member supporters who don't post for fear of being insulted)

8) Crisis is averted through either suggestions, warnings, infractions, or closed threads

9) Wash, rinse, repeat.

Some newer members are not being treated reasonably, which is the start of it, and I think that's lame. Can't people be reasonable? Does every conversation have to degrade into insults? People take offense when you say ____ like "go cry home to mommy, mommy's boy" or whatever.

I paid $100 for a kato.e shirt for my serial killer. I felt really fumb doing that since I don't even own a shirt of my own worth $100. I can't even imagine spending ten times that on one figure.

When I spent $30 for a pair of Bruce Lee pants, I felt the same way. I usually get my pants for $20 from JC Pennys :lol
Hell, I'd do that to myself.

Regarding the custom cape don't have to pay someone to make a cape for you. Especially considering it's about 10x cheaper, if not more so, to do it yourself. Go to a fabric store, i.e. JoAnn Fabrics, Hancock Fabrics, whatever, and look at their fabric selection. Generally the decent spandex blends will be around the swimwear fabric section. A yard of that will make 3-4 decent sized capes and will run you about $10 - $15.

If you want higher quality, walk down the wall until you get to their velvet selection. There are 3-4 very high quality materials that will get you extremely close to screen accuracy, and they'll only run you maybe around $20 a yard.

Take the fabric home, take the cape you want to replace and cut around it like a stencil, and voila! You have your own custom cape and you don't have to pay someone to do it for you or hope that someone will deem the project "worthy" of them and charge you $100+ for the "opportunity" of owning one of their pieces.

You'd be surprised what you can do and improve yourself if you just get off your ass and put in a little effort.


I went to my local fabric store and i found a great velvet material to make custom batman capes. I got 6ft of velvet for $4.
I will admit to being tempted when I saw a commission thread for a Firefly Mal Reynolds coat, and I think the Walking Dead Rick is one of the greatest customs I've ever seen (the uniform being a big part of that).
I guess it beats buying drugs and gambling, right? Isn't that how human males rationalize every stupid thing we buy? :lol

I joke but I seriously think that when Kato and his buddies go out for drinks they laugh all night long at the money he's making off little tiny pants.
Quick, someone throw up an emergency Cat :lol

There aren't many people who are gonna allow themselves to be insulted without responding, and that's fair. This thread had a lot of issues with new members joining up and asking questions that were already addressed ad nauseum, and I think the quick insults were a bit more warranted at that time (though still overdone). Now, it seems like folks are too trigger-happy with pushing people around whenever they act contrary to the consensus view. This happened a bit yesterday and was unnecessary IMO. And the problem is always in the fact that folks respond and it escalates when it would be better if folks just let it ____ing go. But that isn't human nature I guess. Sequence of events seem to be as follows:

1) new guy posts something others know or against consensus view of established forum members

2) established forum member chides new guy, often in an insulting manner, frequently calling him a name in the process

3) new guy responds defensively

4) established forum member comes back with more of same, escalating silly forum argument

5) other established forum members start in

6) new guys responds, possibly starting to use insults himself, because he feels bullied and doesn't want to be pushed around by mob of angry, established toy forum geeks

7) Posts are reported and PMs start coming in, usually from both sides of the discussion (including the silent group of pro-new member supporters who don't post for fear of being insulted)

8) Crisis is averted through either suggestions, warnings, infractions, or closed threads

9) Wash, rinse, repeat.

Some newer members are not being treated reasonably, which is the start of it, and I think that's lame. Can't people be reasonable? Does every conversation have to degrade into insults? People take offense when you say ____ like "go cry home to mommy, mommy's boy" or whatever.

Perfect summation of the events and results. :goodpost:

I went to my local fabric store and i found a great velvet material to make custom batman capes. I got 6ft of velvet for $4.

Pic-sies :tap

I was about to drop $30 on a custom velvet cape but instead I think it's time for a trip to the local fabric store :hi5::clap:hi5:

That $30 should be me a few practice capes and then a final piece i'm happy with. :pray:

DX02 and OC Exc will thank me for it. :lol
You'd be surprised what you can do and improve yourself if you just get off your ass and put in a little effort.

Sadly I couldn't find any that was decent here locally or a few bigger towns. As in the flock material. I certainly wasn't interested to start trailing the city for it either. I'm sure there probably would have been a lot in those shops but thats a lot of time and fuel as well as parking is such a ****** in the City Centres.
Pic-sies :tap

I was about to drop $30 on a custom velvet cape but instead I think it's time for a trip to the local fabric store :hi5::clap:hi5:

That $30 should be me a few practice capes and then a final piece i'm happy with. :pray:

DX02 and OC Exc will thank me for it. :lol

When i first got the fabric i made 2 practice capes and when i made my third one i was happy with it. I recently made another one for this figure.

Anyways heres how my custom cape looks like. Its not lazer cut or anything, and im sure the lforigno capes look much better, but im happy with mine :)

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