InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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They had many chances to go off all the pictures and at this point it will take too much time and imagine how much it would cost. The best thing hot toys can do is get this thing out as fast as they can before the inart figure gets released. Waiting hurts them even more
They really have to hurry and do it soon because I feel that inarts coming in November. They don’t have much time.
Honestly, HT has one leg up from the start and that's availability.

You can't expect everyone who's in this hobby to be on top of everything the way we are. There are degrees of commitment.

To many, the HT figure is THE figure for this movie. And with HT's volume and distribution, it's easier to get. And that's okay. It's okay to see HT as the pinnacle of your collection, many people do and will continue to. There's a reason for that as well.

But I actually have a good feeling about the HT figure all the same. I think it'll come out really strong and will be a good companion piece to the InArt. Hero shots and poses with the InArt, action displays and poses with the HT.
So essentially HT for poses where you dont really care about preserving it and InArt for full-on poses where you do care about preserving it. Grail poses vs action figure poses
Little off topic, but is this head good enough as an alternate? Or the likeness isn't that great? Guys?
You can't expect everyone who's in this hobby to be on top of everything the way we are. There are degrees of commitment.
You make a really good point. Is it possible there are some collectors that don’t even know Inart exists? I guess in this modern world of internet knowledge that’s probably unlikely.
Maybe it's just me, but I look at this particular HT and Inart figure as an equal competition. That is, they are both motivated to use their respective resources and talent to put out the best figure they can as to say "look, ours is better than theirs" - big time bragging rights at stake. Neither company has ever produced this particular figure before and the timing for both is relatively close. I would hope that we'll get to see each company's respective best effort on this.

Personally, I'll be comparing the first figure put out by each company. To me, with respect to this particular comparison, an improved version 2 isn't going to get it if the first version isn't up to par.

. . . But we all know how OCD loves an improved version ;)

Interested to see how this all shakes out.
I haven't been in the hobby that long but I know inart exist of course. Haven't gotten anything from inart yet, as nothing really Interests me apart from Superman and the Daenerys .
I think you can't go wrong with either Batman, whether it's the HT one or Inart one.

My guess is that Inart's will be the better figure i.e better suit material and accuracy, but the HT will be better value for money, with it being cheaper and coming with extra stuff like the base diorama, backdrops, extra hair sculpts, flightsuit etc. So both have good stuff and I don't wanna bash on either brand.

