InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Legolas 1:6

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Since they’ve skipped the Mirkwood bow and quiver and botched his council cloak, this isn’t even a complete FOTR Legolas.

His Helms deep armour is merely a pair of shoulder guards and a sword (that I don’t believe he ever uses… maybe during the final ride and die scene) but the added bulk and straps make him look totally different.
Just like how Aragorn simply removes the sister and cloak, adds a dash of chainmail and suddenly he looks completely different.
Brilliant costume work all round.

I hope they rectify this mistake on not including the Mirkwood bow and quiver and optimize the Council cloak.

Personally, I don’t think they should include any other non-FOTR items, even if most would want that. For now, I’d hope they hold their end of their “promise” where they said they’d like to make their figures as “definitive as possible”. IMO, this should be it for a FOTR Legolas (ideally, if they optimize their blunders). If they go down the series some day, then yes, make the TT and ROTK versions, but for now, this is it.

FOTR is the right call if they can complete the Fellowship. I couldn't see myself investing that kind of money (or shelf space!) into it, but just imagine how choice they'd all look together.

If they're not gonna do Boromir, Merry, and Pippin (who feel the least likely) then I might've preferred TT... although I prefer the look of Gandalf the Grey personally, so I'm not upset either way.
I also agree FOTR was the right call. I find them to be their most definitive looks (also biased as it’s my overall favorite film in the franchise) despite understanding the entire series is iconic enough to warrant and deserve a figure representation at the INART level. LOTR is like Star Wars Original Saga in that sense to me.

They’ve expressed desire in completing the Fellowship so I definitely think they’re aiming to complete it, which should be their priority. And I personally don’t want to see them venture outside the Fellowship before doing so.

It’s funny because I won’t be going down this rabbit hole (have Gandalf the Grey and only plan to get Frodo and Sam), but I will live vicariously through y’all.
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