Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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By Jeanne Wolf,

Mickey Rourke has gone from the bottom to the top, scoring an Oscar nomination for his comeback role in the tiny-budgeted "The Wrestler." Now, he's got a juicy role in the summer blockbuster "Iron Man 2." So does that mean that the fiercely outspoken actor who once quit his failing showbiz career to become a boxer has mellowed out? You be the judge.

Mickey tells, "I'd just as soon do a big-budget movie as an independent one. Sometimes the independent movies can get a little too arty-farty. You watch the IFC Channel and you want to throw up. You don't always have to take things so serious, you know."

Photos: Ultimate Hollywood Comebacks

No wonder he didn't feel guilty about accepting a few perks.

"I'd just come off working on 'The Wrestler,' which had no budget and I didn't even have a chair to sit in. I remember the first day on 'Iron Man 2' I said, 'Can I have a cappuccino,' and they said, 'Which kind would you like?'"

While Mickey enjoyed receiving the royal treatment, he doesn't enjoy today's young Hollywood set.

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"You can be less than mediocre and be a movie star," he says. "I have respect for very few actors and actresses. Some of them get a lot of acclaim but just because their movie made $200 million at the box office; they still suck. I got no respect for them and I used to let them know it. It was important for me to put that aside and go, 'You know what? This is a business.' So, now, I just keep my mouth shut and pet my chihuahuas."
Just cameback from the movie and it was amazing.
such perfect balanced movie.
Funny, Dramatic, action you name it this film has it.
I think of these as a continuation of the first one.
they are both super amazing.

WOW ! so blown away still.
Want to go see it again right now.
Just got back from a midnight screening in Imax. While I wished for a bit more action and a longer final battle, Iron 2 delivered to me. While I won't say it's better than the first, I enjoyed it as much, if not more. Really dug Mickey's character, much cooler villian I felt than Obadiah. The show stealer though....Scarlett as Widow. I hope she is in Avengers and would love to see her get a spin-off down the road. Also the after credits scene gave me chills. 2011 shall be A-MAZ-ING!
I saw them back to back tonight at the XD theater. Loved seeing part 1 again. Awesome movie from start to finish.

As for part 2...hated it. So many things were wrong with it. More tomorrow. Got to get some sleep before work!

MAJOR let down though.
When I first saw the movie I thought it was good. There were alot of parts that worked but as a whole it fell flat and I actually think it's a pile of crap. Which in a way is good because I now don't have to buy 5 thousand hot toys iron man 2 figures.
I just got back from a midnight showing of it. I really enjoyed it! I saw it with a packed theater of people. There were lots of great lines that made us laugh, and some good dramatic parts too. What really stood out for me was the action! WoW! :yess: Iron Man and War Machine had some great battle scenes, and the Black Widow kicked some serious ass! :)

Some of you say it's a "pile of crap"? :horror Huh...what? I don't get all! I COMPLETELY disagree with you! Yeah, you're going to have to explain yourself later on as to why you call it that "Miles Quaritch". :dunno I thought Iron Man 2 was as good, if not a little better than the original movie. I love them both.

I highly recommend it to everyone on this board! I'm sure I'll go and see it again. Hopefully in IMAX!
Final battle was crap, whiplash's motives were crap, Don Cheadle was crap, not showing any of the suits being built was crap, Jon Favrou giving himself a lame cameo. To me all of this adds up to a big pile of crap. Just my opinion of course. But it would appear that alot of people would agree. At least in the cinema where I saw it and also alot of reviewers agree. It didn't have an interesting storyline. How ever Sam rockwell was awesome and I did enjoy scarjo's very small action scene. Oh and the humour was lame too. Written by Justin Theroux who wrote tropic thunder, another movie I thought was crap.
I wonder if you are going to like it? :dunno


I think he did :lol

Just cameback from the movie and it was amazing.
such perfect balanced movie.
Funny, Dramatic, action you name it this film has it.
I think of these as a continuation of the first one.
they are both super amazing.

WOW ! so blown away still.
Want to go see it again right now.
Saw both Iron Man movies last night. The first one was as great as ever. Still the best comic book movie I've seen. Iron Man 2 is the second best comic book movie I've seen now over TDK. Loved how they took Stark on the ride of going a bit dark and showing how he reacts to it by almost tossing it all away. Seeing all the new suits was great. Cannot wait for Hot Toys to get the Mark V and VI out to us and of course War Machine was awesome.

I loved how all the actors played off each other and thought it came out sweet! RDJ is just so perfect for Tony Stark its amazing! I truly think if Tony was real it would be RDJ. Jackson was awesome as Fury and can't wit to see more of him in that role. I would like to have seen more of BW role worked out better. Not enough background in the movie IMO and her fight scene has elements that just looked odd but that's really my only issue. I'm not a big Paltrow fan but dang she's hot and does well with pepper.

I'd give this one a solid 9/10 for me personally. :rock
I saw a midnight show last night and loved it! I think the first was a little better, but this movie was still worth staying up late for.

Does anyone know if that IM poster Stark hung up in his lab is available anywhere?
:slap! ..just plain NO! don't speak such nonsence..:cuckoo:

I think he didn´t.
TDK is awesome, but was majorly overhyped and therefor I was kinda fed up before it even came out, although I did enjoy it.
But it has many failures in it and Heath Ledger helped it a lot, but not because he´s playin´the Joker THAT fine...but because he died...nothing more, plain and simple.
Iron Man works, as contrary to TDK, because of the actors and it stays pretty much in the history of the hole Iron Man Universe, disregarding the hybrid whiplash/crimson dynamo stuff.
TDK/Nolan´s Batverse works too, but its way different and imo Batman begins is better then TDK cause it developed it quite well and TDK rushed it.
Where´s the old Way Tower, why no shot of wayne manor wip, what about the narrows, all the criminals.

Iron Man 2 shutted holes close, the few that were there...TDK did notand it had fewer...
Personally i loved the dark knight ..and im sure its reviews wouldn't have been much different if we had not lost heath ..i prefer ironman1 to the dark knight however mainly due to the fact i prefer iron-man then batman ..its more laid back and is not as dark ..which i prefer ..but as 4 ironman 2 ..i was pretty disappointed ..the story was meh ..blackwidow as hot as she is in it was really unnecessary 2 have in there ..lots of stupid scenes, very crinch worthy moments in there 2 ..and don't get me started on the minute long action scenes! ..the final battle!?:slap